Educational video - industry/process overview of 3-D animation?
October 21, 2007 8:33 AM   Subscribe

Recommendations for college-level digital art course : video on the industry/creative processes of 3-D animation?

Hi. I'm teaching a college-level (generally freshman) introduction to digital art course. I've designed it as a bit of a survey to try to get the students to see the power of digital processes for creative work (I was a graphic designer for many years and am now a studio artist and professor). We have covered Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash so far. I've used all of that software extensively as my graphic design work was primarily interactive. We're going to be doing HTML/Web last, so they can make an online portfolio of the work they've done.

I've never done 3-D stuff, but I have enough computer experience that I won't drown trying to teach it (I've got a few weeks before we start to do the tutorials). Again, I'm just trying to get traditional studio art students (think photography, ceramics, sculpture, painting, etc.) interested in how the computer could help them.

Could anyone recommend a reasonably educational video, lasting an hour (more is fine, too), that could cover the state of the industry for 3-D work? Maybe cover movies, video games, etc.? Also it could cover some of the basic ideas as well... I seem to recall Monsters, Inc. had a section describing how they made the characters... Something like that that covers a variety of projects would be awesome!

Searching Google mostly gives me videos that explain how to use a piece of software. I'm looking for things that discuss, from the creators' point of view, how 3-D software in general is used in movies, video games and other creative works. If you've ever seen the Art21 series on PBS and could recommend something along those lines, that would be super fantastic! Thanks in advance!
posted by Slothrop to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
The folks at CGTalk will be clued in.
posted by Gyan at 8:43 AM on October 21, 2007

Your college should get ahold of a dvd of the SIGGRAPH yearly electronic theater. It's a broad survey of all the current outstandly work in the industry, including film, games, scientific visualizations, etc etc.
posted by milinar at 9:20 AM on October 21, 2007

*current, outstanding
posted by milinar at 9:22 AM on October 21, 2007

The folks at fxguide have recently been producing fxguideTV which are bi-weekly video podcasts which (while they dont individually meet your 1-hour-or-more criteria) are right up your alley.

Intersting side note about fxguideTV is that it's the first podcast to actually produce its episodes using the once fabled, now reality RED One camera.
posted by melorama at 9:50 AM on October 21, 2007

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