Can I use my iPhone earbuds on my MacBook Pro, with the microphone part working as well?
October 3, 2007 2:01 AM   Subscribe

Can I use my iPhone earbuds as MacBook Pro headset, probably with an adapter?

Contrary to some, I actually quite like my iPhone earbuds. In fact, I use them in combination with my MacBook Pro whilst at work.
Since I use voip applications like Skype quite often, I'm becoming annoyed with the built-in microphone of my laptop.

Is it possible to use the microphone part of the headset on my laptop? I guess I need some kind of splitter adapter to split the line-in and line-out to the specific ports on my laptop. Do these exist? Or can I built it myself? I'd need a jack that accepts the 4 parts of the earbud plug so I can keep stereo sound and the mic working. Where can I find this?
posted by lodev to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Even if you build a splitter, you might need an amplifier for the microphone.
posted by stereo at 2:46 AM on October 3, 2007

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