fake newspaper layout template?
August 6, 2007 4:21 PM   Subscribe

Can someone point me toward a fake newspaper layout I can easily modify? I would prefer to pay for it, no, I mean NOT pay for it, sorry!

I want to make a fake newspaper frontpage & inside page and would like to start with a template(s). This can be a photoshop or indesign layout or really anything. I don't care about changing the actual layout, I just want control over changing the text and photos.

The idea is that it looks something like one of those Onion Greatest Century pages, although I don't care about what "era" it looks like it's from.

I googled this (fake newspaper layout) but after finding a link in a forum post that led to a particularly artful goatse, I came here. Trembling.
posted by stupidsexyFlanders to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Do you have a word processing program installed? Lots of them come preloaded with pretty good templates for newspapers. I just used the one in my version of Publisher last month to help my son do a project, and Works has one too - those two definitely.
posted by iconomy at 4:28 PM on August 6, 2007

What program are you doing this in?
posted by Optimus Chyme at 5:31 PM on August 6, 2007

"I googled this (fake newspaper layout)..."

I don't understand why one would include the word "fake" in a search to find a template for a fake newsletter.

Wouldn't you just need a newsletter template in order to populate it with fake or joke content?

Anyway, if you have access to a Mac, I recommend the very beautifully stylish Apple Pages newsletter templates.
posted by travis vocino at 5:51 PM on August 6, 2007

I'll draw you one. What paper size, how many stories and how many pictures? (Email in profile)
posted by bonaldi at 6:12 AM on August 7, 2007

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