Keep me out of the hotel!
July 4, 2007 9:15 PM   Subscribe

Other than the record and book stores, what's not to miss in Chapel Hill, NC and surrounding parts?

I've checked threads here, here, and here, but was wondering if there were more suggestions for my situation. I'll be in the area with my mother for a cousin's wedding, and we'll have most of midday Saturday to kill before hopping into formalwear.

My mother's not much of a walker, so scenic drives and parking-rich shops would be ideal. My mom likes pottery and other arts & crafts, and I'm willing to go anywhere with rich photographic opportunities. We've already grown bored with the colleges on a previous trip. I'm planning to strike out on my own for a half hour around Franklin Street for shops mentioned in the other threads, but what else might interest us?
posted by cowbellemoo to Travel & Transportation around Chapel Hill, NC (13 answers total)
Eat lunch at Allen and Son Barbecue on Highway 86, between Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, NC, assuming that you have no issues with eating (extremely delicious, slow-cooked over wood) pork.

It may look like just another 'cue shack, but it's actually a national treasure. 15-20 minute drive from Franklin St through some pretty countryside. You'll thank me later.
posted by enrevanche at 3:54 AM on July 5, 2007

I quickly scanned the other threads so I might have missed it there, but the Carrboro farmer's market will be taking place Saturday morning. Local arts and crafts in addition to fresh farm goodness in a scenic setting. It might be right up your alley.
posted by malaprohibita at 4:27 AM on July 5, 2007

NC Crafts Gallery in Carrboro has a nice selection of pottery and crafts.

University Mall at Franklin St. and Estes is not a particularly exciting place, but A Southern Season (inside it) is a really nice high-end food store.

I used to love to hang out at Carr Mill Mall in Carrboro. They've got a bead store, outdoor-activities store, and other cute little boutiques, plus the Weaver Street Market, which is the next best thing to the farmer's market if you've missed it on Saturday. That's about the only one of these places that has photographic opportunities, and that just if you want to take pictures of hippies and dogs.
posted by Jeanne at 4:49 AM on July 5, 2007

Best answer: Top of the Hill was fun on my last visit down in Chapel Hill -- it's a microbrewery and restaurant, and both beer and food are very good. You can sit outside on their third-story stony covered porch with hanging flower baskets and watch the world go by down below on Franklin Street while drinking strawberry ales. Fun times.
posted by bluenausea at 5:48 AM on July 5, 2007

Best answer: If you are going down Franklin St. after 12 noon, definitely go get a Locopop or two. They're at 431 W. Franklin St. And they are more or less across the street from Chapel Hill Comics, which even if you aren't into comics (I'm not, and I pick up a little something there every once in a while) has some fun things to look at.

Not much in terms of parking-rich shopping in Orange County, for that I'd recommend Southpoint, which is technically in Durham, but not more than 15 minutes from Chapel Hill.
posted by pinky at 5:50 AM on July 5, 2007

Clyde Jones' Critter Crossing is a short drive from downtown Chapel Hill and is definitely full of rich photographic opportunities.
posted by zach braff's mixtape at 7:11 AM on July 5, 2007

If you drive to Clyde Jones', stay on 15-501 for a few more miles and hit Pittsboro as well. They have some excellent antique/junk stores, and really good food at the General Store Cafe.
posted by paleography at 7:29 AM on July 5, 2007

The stretch on 15-501 from Chapel Hill to Pittsboro has lots of pottery stores. Just drive and keep your eyes peeled for places on the side of the road. As for parking rich places where you don't have to walk, you'll have to go to Raleigh.
posted by greta simone at 7:34 AM on July 5, 2007

Hey, that's my home town! Hooray!

Nothing much to add to what others have said, as it sounds like music venues aren't what you're asking about (which is a real pity). If you're in Durham at all, I love the Duke Gardens. And if you're in Carrboro, you could say Hi to my mom...
posted by Squid Voltaire at 9:40 AM on July 5, 2007

In the name of all that is holy, GET BREAKFAST AT ELMO'S!

You want biscuits 'n gravy, with the eggs fried but with the yolks still runny enough to moosh the last bits of biscuit around in.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 7:36 PM on July 5, 2007

Seconding both Duke Gardens and Elmo's - the best brunch ever.

Your mom might also like Fowler's Market, if it's still open. We used to grab a bottle of wine and buy some cheese and crackers from the deli and sit on the patio for hours.
posted by echo0720 at 11:02 AM on July 6, 2007

Response by poster: Thanks for all the tips! :D
posted by cowbellemoo at 9:45 PM on July 6, 2007

Response by poster: omg locopop was awesome.
posted by cowbellemoo at 3:17 AM on July 9, 2007

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