Need J2EE/Java Training
June 19, 2007 9:29 AM   Subscribe

JavaTrainingFilter - Boston, MA - I would like to find an instructor/consultant to come into my work and teach/train J2EE programming to me and a colleague in approximately a two full-day course.

I am currently located in Waltham, MA working for a software company doing non-programming work. Our manager has offered to pay for us to take a Java course since the majority of our product/products deal heavily with Java and the use of the Eclipse IDE. Most courses we've researched are spread out over a couple weeks. We would like an instructor/consultant to come to our company and teach/train us Java with Eclipse in two full-days. Both of us have general programming knowledge (if/else statements, variable types, classes etc). Anyone know of a company that offers this or a list of certified private instructors/consultants they could recommend?
posted by deeman to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Try New Horizons, which has a location in Waltham. If they don't have the course listed, give them a call and ask. A lot of their people train in more topics than the company can offer as courses. They have traditional you-go-to-them courses, but you can also get their instructors for a daily rate to come to you.
posted by NotMyselfRightNow at 10:13 AM on June 19, 2007

You have general programming knowledge as in you've used a object-oriented language and have some knowledge of Java syntax (mostly C-style), or you're used to some other language?

I can almost guarantee you will see absolutely no benefit from a two-day course. I've seen courses that take at least half a week to pick up the Eclipse IDE (I've never taken any instruction to pick up an IDE, but I can see where it'd be a fast track to doing things). Going straight from no Java knowledge to J2EE programming in an IDE (and what do you mean by J2EE, exactly? Web tier? If so, which web framework? Which data backend framework, EJBs? Using commonly-used things like Hibernate and Spring?)

You might be able to get a ten thousand foot overview of how Java technologies work together with some ability to remember a few things and write a hello world program in two days, but unless you have the best instructor in the world and amazing cognition skills, pardon my bluntness, but this really sounds like someone who does not code trying to get a virtually-useless "understanding" in order to manage work in that field. If you're even looking for a small step beyond that, then take the time.

Sorry for the sidetrack, but I've picked up technologies with little to no training, gone for week-long courses, and done semester-long college courses and what you're describing doesn't quite seem logical from my viewpoint.
posted by mikeh at 11:13 AM on June 19, 2007

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