Mythtv recording with low volume
June 8, 2007 10:36 PM   Subscribe

Mythtv records shows with low volume. How can I increase the recording volume?

I'm running Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS 2.6.15-26-server with mythtv backend only version 0.20 utilizing a WinTV PVR-350 and recording from a regular, not digital, cable tv signal. The sound card is a good old Intel Corporation 82801AA AC'97 Audio (rev 02). Every show is recorded with a low volume. How do I increase the recording volume. Would I be advised to install a better sound card?
posted by h2 to Technology (5 answers total)
Aren't there several MythTV specific forums where you could ask this questions?
posted by wfrgms at 10:40 PM on June 8, 2007

Follow this path through the menu:

Main Menu > Utilities / Setup > Setup > TV Settings > Recording Profiles > [Your Encoder] > [Quality (Probably Default but what ever you are using)] > Next > Next > Next

Here you have the option to set your recording volume. Turn this up and the sound on your recordings will go up. It is labeled as 'Volume (%)'
posted by chrisroberts at 10:42 AM on June 9, 2007

Sorry, couple other notes. The above instructions are based from the mythfrontend. Also, the sound card you have is just fine. I have pretty much the same setup (a hauppauge 250 card, analog cable and the internal Intel sound card) and it works great. Also, after you adjust the volume, make sure you choose 'Finish' so it saves the new settings.
posted by chrisroberts at 10:59 AM on June 9, 2007

Response by poster: Thank you for the responses. I forgot to include that I do not use the mythtv frontend at all. I use a modded xbox, xbmc, and xbmcmythtv to watch the recordings. My current setup works fine aside from the low volume. I just tried watching the recordings on my Ubuntu desktop through a stream using VLC. The volume seemed to be ok. I think it may be xbmcmythtv or xbmc..
posted by h2 at 12:03 PM on June 9, 2007

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