Fax and figures
May 29, 2007 4:00 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find statistics on worldwide fax usage?

I administer several fax servers which are widely used in the Very Large Company I work for. I'm putting together a presentation to market fax services more widely in the company and have only dubious, vendor-provided statistics on how much phone line traffic is typically devoted to fax, how many fax machines there are worldwide and how many people are still actually using fax. Where can I go to find these kinds of figures to confirm what the vendor says, or to find more accurate numbers?

Google has refused to respond meaningfully to my queries, so I beseech thee: hive mind, hear my cry!
posted by lhauser to Technology (2 answers total)
As of 2004, Microsoft was quoting a figure of 120 million fax machines in use worldwide. This February 2007 article claims there are still more than 50 million machines in use worldwide, but notes that shifts in technology, such as fax to email gateways, and FoIP (fax over Internet Protocol) are rapidly changing the fax marketplace, by both increasing utility of fax service, and driving costs down.
posted by paulsc at 6:26 AM on May 30, 2007

Response by poster: Thanks, paulsc, but the February 2007 link leads the same place as the 2004 link...
posted by lhauser at 11:22 AM on May 30, 2007

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