Titles have always been hard for me.
January 3, 2007 7:48 PM   Subscribe

Help me name my comic, please!

The main characters are a squid and an astronaut. They are currently unnamed characters, and I'm pretty sure I'd want to avoid the Name&Name title format. Not a whole lot happens, they mostly just chat. It is, perhaps, not that funny, but I resolved this New Year's to take my projects more seriously. So, I want to come up with a name, which, I guess, will help me take it more seriously. Crazy reasoning aside, I'm having difficulty coming up with something I like for more than ten minutes.

I'm open to any suggestions. Samples of the comic here and here.
posted by inging to Media & Arts (50 answers total)
posted by Rumple at 7:51 PM on January 3, 2007

posted by sanko at 7:53 PM on January 3, 2007

Very Thin Pen Line
posted by danb at 7:57 PM on January 3, 2007

Lots of Nothing.
posted by justgary at 8:06 PM on January 3, 2007

posted by armoured-ant at 8:06 PM on January 3, 2007

Foam. Foamy. Seafoam. Quantum foam. Space foam. Spacetime foam.

Something like that. It's light and frothy, ocean, space, you get the drift.
posted by mediareport at 8:06 PM on January 3, 2007

Ink Space
posted by armoured-ant at 8:07 PM on January 3, 2007

Oh, the gravity.
posted by armoured-ant at 8:08 PM on January 3, 2007

Frank & Cat
posted by The Deej at 8:11 PM on January 3, 2007

2nd Frank. Frank is all anybody should name anything.
posted by Science! at 8:11 PM on January 3, 2007

Names don't matter. Seriously. What matters is what you do with it. Think about it: Farside, Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, none of them were great names, but they became great names based on the comics. Take special note of Calvin and Hobbes, which followed the name & name format.

But if you insist.


10 legs

ink cloud

squid mission

squid and astronaut

Hello houston

houston we have a problem

Sea of life

Sailing the Stars

Apollo 19

Big mouth

Downtown at the coffee shop


Look now

Did you see that?

Uncontrolled talking

A little chat

Shooting the shit

Shooting the breeze

Great day for sailing

Mission squid

Life with squids and astronauts

Back and forth

Shhh, we're talking



Between heaven and hell


Major Tom and his squid

4 point landing

Sea Space

Rancid chicken

Would you like some tea

Suction cup

Squids in space

Floating in the sea


Liquid Courage

Infected by madness

And of course:

Frank and Betty. Make the astroanut female, the squid male.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 8:17 PM on January 3, 2007

Space Tentacles.
posted by furiousthought at 8:21 PM on January 3, 2007 [1 favorite]

Verne's Jewels
posted by icontemplate at 8:27 PM on January 3, 2007

Make the astroanut female, the squid male.

Don't be ridiculous! Everyone knows that squid are the most feminine of all marine cephalopod mollusks!
posted by aubilenon at 8:29 PM on January 3, 2007

posted by vacapinta at 8:32 PM on January 3, 2007

My first thought was "Blue Ocean, Black Sea" or similar (water, space, blah)

However, I like WCityMike's a lot, but would recommend calling it just "40,000 Leagues". That would represent the distance between them. Or something.
posted by Ynoxas at 8:36 PM on January 3, 2007

Verne's Jewels
I like that! Only 2nd to Frank.
posted by The Deej at 8:43 PM on January 3, 2007

The Inky Darkness
posted by Pater Aletheias at 8:47 PM on January 3, 2007

It makes no sense, but I love "Crack Spider's Bitch".
posted by roue at 9:12 PM on January 3, 2007 [1 favorite]

Zero and Geez.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 9:14 PM on January 3, 2007


Cosmic Calamari.

Calamari Cosmonaut.

Inky Abyss.

(Ooh I kinda like that one just because it's simple. Also your drawings appear to be done in ink? I can't really tell, the lines are so thin.)

Inky void.

Something to do with the word void, because I think that's what these two have most in common.

Also, I just now realized that these two characters are in their own "habitats." I was wondering at first what an astronaut was doing in the ocean...
"The Space Between" (too bad it's a song, I think...)

Also also, I second Aether.

Also also also, I like the samples so far, so be sure to let me/us know when you go public with this.
posted by CitrusFreak12 at 9:16 PM on January 3, 2007


Tentacle Porn



posted by Pollomacho at 9:22 PM on January 3, 2007

Deep Space Calamari.
Major Matt Squid.
Chucky and Sucky.
posted by Dizzy at 9:28 PM on January 3, 2007

Mild High
Zero Gee
Inky & the 'Splain
Stranger Here Myself
posted by rob511 at 9:28 PM on January 3, 2007

I third æther
posted by krisjohn at 9:31 PM on January 3, 2007

Icarus & Icky.
Spock 'N' Sushi.
Cuttle and Shuttle.
posted by Dizzy at 9:32 PM on January 3, 2007

Lovecraft and Lovell.
Meat Sacks.
posted by Dizzy at 9:49 PM on January 3, 2007

Evolution Xtreme!
posted by Effigy2000 at 9:50 PM on January 3, 2007

Long distance.
posted by Divine_Wino at 10:11 PM on January 3, 2007 [1 favorite]

Astroteuthis (from architeuthis, the great squid)


An Illustrated Conversation Between A Cosmonaut And A Squid (and then each strip would be titled In Which Blah Blah Blah)

So... clever, stupid, and overly literal.
posted by Coda at 12:35 AM on January 4, 2007

Throw Me A Line
posted by artdrectr at 12:56 AM on January 4, 2007

What about "Ink Blot", "Ink Blog" or (for English mefites) "Sick Squid"?
posted by booksprite at 1:31 AM on January 4, 2007

Time and Tide
posted by seanyboy at 2:01 AM on January 4, 2007

Just in case my irony/sarcaso-meter is off, Frank is already the name of a very well-known comic, one that is surreal no less. So, I think that would be out.

I loved "cephalosophy" (first suggestion). "Verne's Jewels" is also very nice.

Your astronaut looks like an iPod. Or a Gameboy. But going with iPod, my title suggestion would be:


In fact, I like the idea of a talking iPod better than the idea of an astronaut.

My New Year's resolution was to finish my comic as well. I started in the Fall and have 10 of the proposed 110 pages done. But I'll get there. So will you! Good luck!
posted by Slothrop at 2:50 AM on January 4, 2007

posted by pracowity at 2:55 AM on January 4, 2007

Inky Void
posted by Alt F4 at 4:48 AM on January 4, 2007

"arms of a dilemma" and the squid's name is, of course, Dilemma.
posted by FreezBoy at 5:27 AM on January 4, 2007

... or "Dill" for short.
posted by FreezBoy at 5:28 AM on January 4, 2007

He could have a friend who works in the NASA offices called "Dilbert".
posted by Dizzy at 7:26 AM on January 4, 2007

I like "Ink", and I like your comic.
posted by muddgirl at 7:41 AM on January 4, 2007

inky void
posted by umbú at 8:17 AM on January 4, 2007

23 Squidoo.
posted by kindall at 8:53 AM on January 4, 2007

Aqua Knot
posted by infinitewindow at 9:01 AM on January 4, 2007

Cthulhu and Pals

Me and My Squid

Holy Fuck a Talking Squid!

Holy Fuck the Talking Squid!

Zogaar the Volcanop God
posted by Mister_A at 9:05 AM on January 4, 2007

err, volcano.

posted by Mister_A at 9:05 AM on January 4, 2007

Response by poster: Oh, man, you are all wonderful! Thank you so much. I like pretty much every single suggestion here, and now I'm going to have to whittle it down to one.

Though I might just re-name the thing everyday, so I can use them all.

Thanks, everyone!
posted by inging at 11:16 AM on January 4, 2007

Oh, and the "Frank" thing is from another thread where people discussed dumb AskMe questions, with "Name my cat" among the most hated. Someone suggested they should all be answered "Frank." So a few of us smartasses had to answer that way, or we would not be able to renew our Smartass Licenses within the 10 day grace period to be effective for 2007.
posted by The Deej at 11:34 AM on January 4, 2007

Squid To Spaceman
posted by gigawhat? at 12:04 PM on January 4, 2007

posted by Dizzy at 3:30 PM on January 4, 2007 [1 favorite]

inky void- like the drawings.
posted by pointilist at 6:29 PM on January 4, 2007

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