"Quick! Call Flammie!"
December 10, 2006 7:39 PM   Subscribe

I'd like to get my son a "Flammie Drum". Where can I find one?

Recently, my 5-year-old and I have been playing Secret of Mana together on my SNES. He loves Flammie and he imagines that his toys are dragons, and he goes on pretend adventures. I want to get him a drum like the Flammie Drum (it's one where you twist the handle back and forth and the two bead-things bang on it at the same time) - but I don't know what this kind of drum is called, or where to find one. Help?
posted by eleyna to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I *think* it's called a 'Stick Drum'.

Here is one, only $10.00 - hand-made...

Woa - hey, I can pick one up at 10,000 Villages right here in Calgary - neato.
posted by jkaczor at 7:49 PM on December 10, 2006

Best answer: I bought one of these for my niece earlier this year. According to Earthshaking Music, it's called a monkey drum on a stick.
posted by intermod at 8:19 PM on December 10, 2006

The Japanese name for it is den-den daiko. I'm not having much luck finding places to buy it online though.
Though I did find this.
posted by killjoy at 11:05 PM on December 10, 2006

Best answer: Ah. Spinning drum!
posted by killjoy at 11:07 PM on December 10, 2006

Response by poster: Thank you!
posted by eleyna at 8:37 AM on December 11, 2006

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