Photo booths in South Carolina
December 4, 2006 12:03 PM   Subscribe

Where can I find a Polaroid (not digital) photo booth in South Carolina?

Ideally it would be black & white, not digital, and printed in strips.

I've done my googling and checked out a couple (but they've all been the digital ones that superimpose cheesy stuff like saloon doors and "Wild Wild West" in Rosewood.

I feel like there has to be a couple somewhere. Anyone know of one?

If this doesn't pan out our next step is to call a place that rents them and ask who services their equipment. Then call the service company and see if they have a list.
posted by nathancaswell to Grab Bag (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
There are some on this list, although I'm not sure how accurate all of the listings are.
posted by biscuitsticks at 12:11 PM on December 4, 2006

(And by "some" I really meant "one".)
posted by biscuitsticks at 12:16 PM on December 4, 2006

Response by poster: Yeah, that's actually one of the ones we checked... but thanks.
posted by nathancaswell at 1:40 PM on December 4, 2006

Rusty memory here, but I think there's a polaroid version at the arcade on the corner of Atlantic Ave and Waccamaw in Garden City Beach, SC. [ten miles south of myrtle beach] It's across the street from the batting cages, next door to the hot dog place.
I haven't been there in about five years, so YMMV.
posted by rubberfish at 3:48 PM on December 4, 2006

Does it have to be polaroid, or are you just looking for "not digital. I think few or any of the old non-digital photo booths are actually polaroid.
posted by Good Brain at 5:33 PM on December 4, 2006

Response by poster: It doesn't need to be Polaroid really, just not digital.
posted by nathancaswell at 9:32 AM on December 5, 2006

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