Civil War Sword in the Bay Area
November 23, 2006 12:22 PM   Subscribe

I want to get my dad a Civil War era sword for Christmas, either an original or a reproduction. However, I would prefer to buy locally (Bay Area / San Francisco, CA).

I am willing to go as high as $500, but I want to see the sword in person. There are tons of these things online, but I am a bit nervous that I'll be disappointed. Are there any good stores in the Bay Area that carry either original swords or reproductions?

I never buy or deal with this kind of stuff (swords, the Civil War, weapons, etc), so any other advice you might have would be appreciated. I would prefer to stay away from anything Confederate because I don't think he'd be comfortable with Confederacy memorabilia considering the association with slavery.
posted by mto to Shopping (1 answer total)
Do you already know that ebay's advanced search lets you specify location? Here, for example, are the 2 results for 'civil war sword' within 25 miles of San Francisco. You'd have to contact the sellers about seeing them in advance, of course.
posted by daisyace at 12:49 PM on November 23, 2006

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