A good Dr for rhinoplasty in the bay area
November 11, 2006 8:40 PM   Subscribe

Looking for a good plastic surgeon for a rhinoplasty job in the bay area "mountain view".

Anyone have any recommendations, past experience with a good and not extremely expensive plastic surgeon for that kinda job?
Also, I was wondering how would that work insurance wise, does it need a special insurance? If I have HMO would I need to change the PCP to the new doctor before the first visit?
I have no idea how will that work, any help is much appreciated.
posted by convex to Health & Fitness (3 answers total)
Can't help you with recomendations but just in case: If it's not covered by your insurance (e.g. if it's solely for cosmetic reasons and not medically necessary), then you wouldn't have to do anything with regards to your HMO or PCP, any more than you do when you go to get a haircut. (Well, I suppose your PCP should be informed of any surgery you have)
posted by winston at 8:49 PM on November 11, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks winston. I checked with my insurance and it seems I won't be needing to change the PCP.

If no one can give me a referral, can you tell me how to go about finding a plastic surgeon for such a task?
posted by convex at 4:31 PM on November 12, 2006

I've never had a rhinoplasty - but in your shoes I'd start at Stanford. Depending on what you're trying to fix - a physical problem or a cosmetic probelm - call their plastic surgery or E/N/T department. I doubt you could go wrong there.
posted by Wolfie at 6:49 PM on November 12, 2006

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