extract of Intel Mac drivers
November 1, 2006 1:45 PM   Subscribe

I need to extract some Mac Boot Camp drivers from a Windows installer of course there's

I have an intel Mac, with boot camp. I have the Boot Camp Win XP Mac drivers on an Install CD. My company uses a very customized WinXP setup, and in order to install it onto the Intel Mac I need to extract the drivers and install them on the company install CD. The boot camp driver installer balks when run on anything but a Mac. Is there a way to expand the installer to see what is being installed?
posted by Gungho to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
Take the exe and try a program like WiX to extract the files from the MSI.

I don't see why can't you install your company's XP install disc then run the Boot Camp driver install, or even why you can't install from standard XP disc and copy the customization over from your company disc?
posted by mphuie at 4:11 PM on November 1, 2006

I have tried to do this. The Mac installer makes a real hash out of everything. It prepackages everything into a single executable, and never provides it to you in any form that can be integrated into anything else.

If you run the installer, it extracts all the files, and then you can go to your temp directory and copy them, but figuring out which driver does what is difficult, and they may or may not install.

Your company's custom install should work fine, but they have to use an SP2 base. SP1 and earlier will bluescreen during the install. If they give you a custom SP2 install disk, you can get the system up, and then run the Mac driver install package from there.

At this point, slipstreaming the Mac drivers into the XP disk is essentially impossible. If it's a Mac Pro, I can give you the drivers from Intel for the chipset and network card, which is enough to get everything else going. If it's an iMac or Mini, I won't be able to help.
posted by Malor at 5:10 PM on November 1, 2006

Best answer: I recently tried to do the slipstream dealie on a MacBook and came the the same conclusion as Malor. You shouldn't need anything but an SP2 XP CD though, which are easily available from things that rhyme with tit borrent.

If the disk you must use is an SP1 disk, you could slipstream SP2 onto it like this and the existing customizations should carry over.

If that doesn't work, you're stuck with the hard way. Run Boot Camp to setup the partition, pull the harddrive and do the installation from another machine, update to SP2, replace the drive in the Mac and pray. I have never done this on a mac, but theoretically it should work. YMMV, voids warantee, etc. Let us know if it works though :)
posted by Skorgu at 5:49 PM on November 1, 2006

Response by poster: I'll try that, and I give you best answer points for creativity. My Network Security guys are wicked anal about anyone touching their precious image. The reason I can't just install it is because we use a Network based installer with a WinPE startup CD. The CD won't see tthe network because it can't see the Mac's ethernet. So I wanted to strip out the drivers and install them on the Win PE disc just to get the ball rolling. However I like the old drive swap option.
posted by Gungho at 6:59 PM on November 1, 2006

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