Poem ID, possibly Auden.
October 21, 2006 10:44 AM   Subscribe

Poem identification: "There are no (something) rooms. There are no (something) doors."

I am trying to remember a poem that was probably anthologized in one of my high school textbooks, so probably quite famous. It is probably from no earlier than the late 1800s. Could be Auden, or Yeats. Essentially all I remember are the last two lines, which went like, "There are/were no (something) rooms; there are/were no (something) doors." One of those might be "quiet." But I could be completely wrong about what I remember of those lines, and indeed I probably am, since I can't get anything to come up on Google.
posted by Jeanne to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Best answer:
The Explorer
by Gwendolyn Brooks?
posted by logic vs love at 10:55 AM on October 21, 2006

Response by poster: Yes!

Wow, that was indeed pretty far from what remembered, but the right one.
posted by Jeanne at 1:12 PM on October 21, 2006

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