36-year old wishes one of his sons was old enough to answer this question already.
September 15, 2006 6:26 AM   Subscribe

Why won't DVD's recoreded on my new DVD recorder play on my PC?

I just bought a new DVD Recorder + VCR Combo (RCA). I burned some DVD's from a VCR tape, and others from my video camera, neither will play on my PC (HP). Why is this?

The title page will appear, but when I try to play the movie I get the same error, "An attempt was made to execute an illegal instruction. (OxcOOOOO1d) occurred in the application at location OxOO4b53bd." I get the same error no matter what DVD program I use (I've tried the following players: InterVideo, InterActual, Real, and Windows Media Player.)

DVD Shrink recognizes the movies, and will record them on my HD, but that still doesn't allow me to play the movies.

The DVD recorder and PC drives are both +/- compatible. The discs are DVD-R.

Other movies play on the PC and the DVD Recorder, if that matters.
posted by Jesco to Computers & Internet (7 answers total)
DRM stuff on the DVD recorder that prevents the burnt DVDs being played on other players?
posted by EndsOfInvention at 7:45 AM on September 15, 2006

Do the burnt discs play on the DVD recorder or other players?

(DRM isn't likely in this instance, I don't think)
posted by cillit bang at 7:57 AM on September 15, 2006

Did you set the region of the disc to the same region as the player?
posted by ouke at 8:11 AM on September 15, 2006

Are you burning the dvds as proper dvds? ISTR that at least some dvd recorders have settings or options to record in a weirdo format that only they understand.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 8:48 AM on September 15, 2006

Response by poster: Do the burnt discs play on the DVD recorder or other players?

Yes. They play on the DVD recorder. I'm going to try another recorder tonight at another house.

Did you set the region of the disc to the same region as the player?

As far as I can tell, you can't set the region of the disc.

Are you burning the dvds as proper dvds?

I haven't found any recording settings on the DVD recorder. I don't believe there are any settings to choose. There is a very small menu of options.

have you tried using the VLC player?

I'll try it, in fact, I'm downloading it right now.

Thanks for everybody's ideas.
posted by Jesco at 12:19 PM on September 15, 2006

Outside chance, but it could be the disc itself. You are using either -R or +R media, and there is no guarantee of universal compatability between the 2 standards, and various readers.
posted by WinnipegDragon at 12:52 PM on September 15, 2006

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but you *did* "finalize" the disc before trying to play it on anything besides your DVD Recorder, right?

Failure to finalize discs is a very common mistake many people who are new to standalone DVD recorders make, and is one of the more likely reasons why your disc isn't playing properly on other devices.
posted by melorama at 1:33 AM on September 17, 2006

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