Buying stuff in Phoenix, Albuquerque or Santa Fe?
September 2, 2006 11:38 AM   Subscribe

I'm in Santa Fe, NM and I'll be driving back to Phoenix, AZ via Albuquerque on Sunday & Monday. I want to buy some stuff before I fly home... Apple Mac Mini, a Thud Buster (seat suspension post for my mountain bike), some sneakers, some outdoor clothes and a Reece's t-shirt (for my g/f -- don't ask). I don't really want to spend too long getting the stuff so where might be the best area to get everything without too much hassle? I'm thinking of getting some walking/hiking-style sneakers so a big outdoors shop would cover a few bases. And prices...will I be better off buying in NM and saving a massive 0.6% on sales tax? Or will Phoenix be cheaper overall..?
I do know about allowances for UK Customs BTW
posted by i_cola to Shopping (4 answers total)
Best answer: Stop by REI in Albuquerque, just off I-25.
posted by gottabefunky at 12:23 PM on September 2, 2006

The only place I know of for sure in Albuquerque to get a Mac Mini is the CompUSA on Cutler between San Mateo and Washington, which is also near a shoe store. The Coronado Mall's a short way east of there, so you might be able to find the T-shirt and outdoor clothes there. No idea where to get a Thud Buster in the area, though.
By the way, Baillio's might also have Mac Minis and they're even closer to the mall, but I'm not 100% sure about that. Look for a big white cube. It's impossible to miss.
posted by wanderingmind at 2:30 PM on September 2, 2006

Okay, there's a place called "Cycle Cave". 5716 Menaul, just west of San Pedro. The mall is at Menaul and San Pedro, and Baillio's is on Menaul just a bit west of there (at 5301). I think this might be your best bet.
posted by wanderingmind at 2:35 PM on September 2, 2006

Response by poster: Post trip update:
Went to REI in Albuquerque and took advantage of their Labor Day sale. Would have tried the Coronado & Cycle Cave but it was getting late so went for food at the Flying Star in Nob Hill as recommended by a lady we got chatting to at the checkout in REI!

Went to get the Mac stuff in Phoenix (Apple Store in Biltmore) but checked the UK prices via the web and they've dropped so, despite kick-ass exchange rate (GBP1 = USD1.92) I'd've only saved about GBP80 on a whole bundle of stuff. I went and got a digital camera from Circuit City instead having seen the one I wanted in the Apple Store, checked the price elsewhere on the web there and travelled a few blocks up the street ;-)

Thanks all.
posted by i_cola at 4:49 AM on September 7, 2006

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