Seeking instant photo upload from camera for moblogging
August 18, 2006 6:29 AM   Subscribe

Seeking instant photo upload from camera for moblogging

What I hate about my current phone (Motorola E815) is after I take a photo I am NINE clicks away from sending it to an email address, where it gets auto posted to a moblog.

Is this workflow dramatically reduced with any other phones? What I'm really looking for is one-touch upload (or send to email, whatever) after taking a shot. So my prompt would say "erase" or "upload", instead of my current "capture" then "store" then "send in message" then ... blah blah blah...

I was initially drawn to the Sony Ericsson K750 because it seems to take terrific pictures. But I hear that the K750 is still 3 or so clicks away from sending the photo somewhere. Is there another phone you can recommend? or 3rd party software that gets me closer to nirvana? Has anyone played with shozu and is that service a good fit for my needs? If so, what is the best phone for working with shozu?

This feature is important enough to me that I'm happy to switch phones and carriers for this. Quality pictures are icing on the cake, which is what led me to the K750 to begin with.

posted by phildog to Shopping (8 answers total)
Can you install apps on your phone? I use Shozu on my smartphone to post directly to Flickr. Takes... two clicks I think.
posted by snowgoon at 6:41 AM on August 18, 2006

Response by poster: @snowgoon - what kind of phone do you have? and no, my current phone is on Verizon which limits me to their craptastic "Get it now" apps only. VZW seems to be completely unsupported by shozu. Hence my original question and willingness to switch carriers.
posted by phildog at 6:53 AM on August 18, 2006

In the UK it's a C600 (on Orange), it has a different name elsewhere... so depends where you are from. It's made by HTC if that helps.

Basically it's a Microsoft Smartphone, so I can install apps on it very easily.
posted by snowgoon at 7:53 AM on August 18, 2006

Some Nokias have Flickr functions built in:
posted by o2b at 8:18 AM on August 18, 2006

The Nokia 6682 has a 1.3 MP camera with a surprisingly bright flash, has lifeblog built in, and is a symbian phone, so there are blogging apps you can get for it, or you can just email the picture from your phone because it has both POP3 and SMTP clients. It also takes memory cards(RSDVMMC), which you'll want if you're taking a bunch of pictures.
posted by Mr. Gunn at 5:26 PM on August 18, 2006

The 6682 is a Cingular phone, too, and they're better about not crippling your phone like verizon and t-mobile do. For example, the bluetooth is fully capable.
posted by Mr. Gunn at 5:28 PM on August 18, 2006

I'm assuming you're in the US since you say you're on Verizon who are on CDMA. Most CDMA phones, frankly, stink at moblogging and has really horrible cameras, which leaves you with the GSM world, meaning switching to Cingular and T-Mobile. I'd recommend a Nokia or Sony Ericsson phone.

Both recent Nokia and Sony Ericsson phones make moblogging very easy. I currently using an SE s700i and posting to Flickr takes 4 button presses or so. It's pretty easy because most of the button presses are just pressing enter and the phone keeps shows the recently used email addresses after I hit "Send."

The folks I know who use Shozu are pretty happy, too. I haven't used it personally but the ability to add tags and upload full resolution sounds fantastic. (Since I moblog to Flickr, this is really nice.) I'll proably put Shozu on my next phone and I'm looking really hard at the upcoming SE 790a.

Personally, I prefer SE phones because the camera quality is fantastic and slightly better than the Nokia.
posted by kathryn at 7:51 PM on August 20, 2006

Ditto on the 6682 and Shozu here. Couldn't be easier - after I shoot a picture I can either click and the picture is uploaded to Flickr or I press cancel and go on. And telling it yes, upload to flickr doesn't require me to wait for it to complete - it happens in the background.
posted by phearlez at 1:24 PM on August 21, 2006

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