Adventures in modding for the non tool inclined.
July 7, 2006 6:28 PM   Subscribe

Adventures in computer case modding for someone who's never done anything remotely close to it...

I've decided to try my hand at some arts and crafts for the nerd in me, case modding. Mind you, i've never done any type pf thing like this before, computer related or otherwise. The last time I picked up a tool (aside from a chainsaw in the 2004 hurricanes in Florida) was shop class way back in high school. MeFites, can you help me answer these questions?

1.) I'm looking for a paint that will work uniformly well on plastic (front bezel) and metal (top and side shell). The case is the shell of an old IBM PC 300PL (6565).
1a.) Where can I get said paint from question 1?
2.) Should I sand the metal before painting the top and sides?
3.) Do I need to prime or do a white base coat before painting this black?
4.) What kind of safety precautions should I use while doing this? (besides the obvious, no flames)
posted by richter_x to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
1) Vinyl dye works well for all plastic parts. Check with an auto store to see what is available.

2) It depends on how you want the finish to look. It is possible to get a very smooth, reflective finish through sanding down the metal and then sanding each coat of paint.

3) I'd prime it grey, since the primer will help with paint adhesion. Speaking of paints, acrylics will dry faster but enamels will chip less.

4) Not really a safety precaution, but you are going to need a dry area for the best results. Goggles and a filtered mask would also be good when you are sanding the case.
posted by Loto at 6:34 PM on July 7, 2006

Also, there are many, many guides to case painting out there. The forums at have a few, and googling will help you find even more.
posted by Loto at 6:34 PM on July 7, 2006

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