Where to watch the NYC fireworks show
July 1, 2006 10:57 PM   Subscribe

Need a good place to watch the NYC 4th of july fireworks show from. Being a native new yorker I should really know the answer to this question but its been such a long time since Ive done it properly that I need an inside tip from other new yorkers. Where's a great place to watch the 4th of july fireworks show on the east river? Last year I tried 34th street in manhattan which turned out to be a bad idea. Crowded as hell, not such a great view. I think unless you know someone who has rooftop access, most places in the city suck. I'm thinking Long Island City would be a good bet though. We're prepared to show up early.. that long pier that juts out from those new high-rise buildings in LIC would be perfect.. but i'm worried its too good to be true...does anyone know whether or not the police restrict access to it? Any other recomendations? How early should I show up? Thanks!
posted by postergeist to Travel & Transportation around New York, NY (6 answers total)
There's a waterfront area in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, that feels tailor made for this. It gets crowded, but it's a fun crowd, and if you get there early, you should be able to enjoy it a lot.

The dock is at Huron Street. Take the G train tho Greenpoint Ave, exit at India Street, and then walk dow one block. Turn left and keep walking till you hit water. The fireworks will be directly overhead.
posted by hermitosis at 7:15 AM on July 2, 2006

Sounds like you're talking about Gantry Plaza State Park. I was there last year for the 4th of July... great view of the fireworks from across the East River. There's a big turnout of people, but also more space to accomodate them (as opposed to overwhelming crowds in a dense urban space, AKA 34th St in the city). Police don't restrict access to it, but they do check bags for security (so some bottlenecking at the entrance).

It definitely has a Long Island City feel to it: a sea of concrete (bring something soft to sit on! actual grass to lounge in is rare), and those funky elevated gantries. You feel as if you're already there in this great photoset from the Bridge and Tunnel Club.

Enjoy! I'd go to LIC again if I weren't in Virginia Beach for the holiday :)
posted by milkdropcoronet at 7:46 AM on July 2, 2006

Response by poster: Sweet. I think Gantry is def a good choice then.

How early did you get there? My wife and I are prepared to bring a book and a cooler and tailgate if we have to.
posted by postergeist at 10:07 AM on July 2, 2006

The fireworks usually start around 9pm. We got there around 7 pm... a lot of people had already staked their claim at the front rows of the piers (the police closed off sections once they were full). We stayed further back (same view) and had plenty of time to make a food run.
posted by milkdropcoronet at 5:00 PM on July 2, 2006

that long pier that juts out from those new high-rise buildings in LIC would be perfect.. but i'm worried its too good to be true...does anyone know whether or not the police restrict access to it?

If you're referring to piers at Elmer Gantry Park, in front of the Citylights building, rumor (via the discussions board at Astorians.com) is that pier access is now open only to residents of the Citylights, or their guests. Several writers on the board confirmed it:

Citylights is a very expensive coop, one of the biggest blgs in Queens. I went to the fireworks display there last year, and yes, the public was restricted from entering the piers by these really burly security guards. Only if you live in the blg, were you allowed in, or a guest or something. It was very annoying, and I do wonder about its legality. We were stuck on the concrete right in front of Citilights entrance, as there was no room anywhere on the little bit of park that was open to the public. I'm surprised they don't just close the entire thing off to only Citilights residents. Elitist @#$$^&&&!!!
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 7:56 PM on July 2, 2006 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: That REALLY pisses me off!! How is it legal for them to restrict access to a "state" park?? Someone needs to write to the local newspapers about this. Thats just not f**king right!
posted by postergeist at 10:54 PM on July 2, 2006

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