How can I get a copy of an Illinois residential property settlement statement from 2003?
June 26, 2006 2:24 PM   Subscribe

How can I get a copy of an Illinois residential property settlement statement from 2003?

I need to get my hands on a copy of my property settlement statement from when I bought my house in 2003. I live in Chicago, and I have managed to lose this document from when we originally bought our house. We have refinanced with a new bank, so I have one for that, but I need a copy of the original settlement statement when we bought the house. My Google-fu fails me, so I turn to you AskMefi! I'm hoping this is something someone in some government agency would have on file, but I don't know where to go.
posted by macadamiaranch to Home & Garden (3 answers total)
Someone below will probably come up with the correct answer, but, if not, did you use a realtor when you purchased the property? He or she should be able to tell you where to get this document.
posted by sohcahtoa at 2:29 PM on June 26, 2006

not sure, but i'm guessing this might be one of the functions that the cook county recorder of deeds does. i'd start there.
posted by lester at 6:05 PM on June 26, 2006

What lester said. I'm not 100% sure what a property settlement statement is but assuming it's a public document akin to a deed or title, the Co. Recorder should have it.
posted by jaysus chris at 10:28 PM on June 26, 2006

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