Speedy Revision?
June 8, 2006 7:18 AM   Subscribe

Okay, I have realised that for my English Literature exam on Monday I have spent most of my time revising Blake (1/2 of the exam) and next to no time with Hamlet (the other 1/2 of the exam) learning quotes, key themes etc - we have read the play in class twice, the last time being about 4 weeks ago. Any help to make this exam go as painlessly as possible? I realise I may already be a lost cause.

Usually I revise well by simply going over the same things many many times - this is what I've been doing with Blake, and it eventually sinks in. Plus I have grown to really appreciate Blake and keep on finding new layers of meaning, whilst Shakespeare has never really got on well with me.

Any help on revision strategies / useful websites? I struggle to maintain concentration for much more that 15 minutes, and get very easily distracted - I've tried sparknotes and such like, but always get distracted - am I a lost cause? What works for you when you have to revise a big topic in a few days?

Many thanks.
posted by philsi to Education (29 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Your best hope is to do a terrific job on Blake, then write a few extremely clever things about Hamlet, but make it look like you ran out of time. Use a parallel structure in the beginning of the Blake piece and on the abortive Hamlet part of the essay to show that you would have done the same thing, if only you'd had time. Is there a clever quote from Hamlet about time or lost opportunity you could plug in right at the end?

(I can't believe I am answering this.)
posted by LarryC at 7:22 AM on June 8, 2006

I think you mean review, which I wouldn't even mention if the topic weren't an English lit exam.

You can easily re-read the play by Monday. You might also think about reading Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard, which won't help you per se, but might open up the play for you a little bit and thus make studying it more enjoyable. You could also take a crack at Chapter 9 of Ulysses by James Joyce for an idiosyncratic take on Shakespeare that might similarly engage your interest.

Good luck.
posted by OmieWise at 7:23 AM on June 8, 2006

I realize this may come off as heretical to some, but how about watching a movie version or two of Hamlet to make it sink in? (disclaimer: IANA literature student I loathed reading Shakespeare in school, but seeing his plays acted out on stage [best] or on film [doable] always crystallized the themes & such for me, much moreso than the printed word.)
posted by contessa at 7:28 AM on June 8, 2006

LarryC has it. I used to do this all the time in university when I hadn't read one of the main texts. Memorize a Hamlet quote that you can stick into your answer somewhere. I would also find some specific criticism and run with it - X critic says this - and then just fit it into your exam answer. This makes it look like you have actually analyzed the text to some extent.

As for studying a broad topic in just a few days? Try not to be overwhelmed. Get a basic understanding of the plot, characters, themes of the play and then focus on one or two things only (it's damage control at this point). This is where specific criticism would come in handy.
posted by meerkatty at 7:33 AM on June 8, 2006

Omiewise - it sounds to me very much like the poster is from the UK and revising for school (i.e. pre-18, not university) exams - and here we do call it 'revision'. I'm guessing that's what you meant when you corrected him to 'review'.

philsi - good luck! I've always found I've had most luck with answering past exam questions (probably available on the web, though things have changed since I did mine 12 years ago) - knowing how to structure an essay in a hurry can get you a long way. Content is useful too but will often emerge from the structure. Are you allowed to take the texts into the exam?
posted by altolinguistic at 7:45 AM on June 8, 2006

It's true that there's no substitute for simply reading the text, letting the language become part of you, but when studying Shakespeare, I always try to watch at least one filmed version of the play in question, to see the flow, the character interaction, and to breathe life into the words. More importantly, seeing it performed jolts me out of my rut: the director and actors may have quite different ideas about the play that I do. Useful.

Luckily, there are a zillion versions out there, and even the most deficient video store will have a couple to choose from. If you have time to get a real sense of the play, I'll second the recommendation of "Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead," but a) you might find the film easier than reading the play and b) don't bother until you feel confident with "Hamlet" or it might be frustrating and confusing, as well as eating up valuable study time.
posted by Elsa at 7:47 AM on June 8, 2006

Thirding the rent the video suggestion (maybe the Kenneth Branagh version). You could then read along with the text, see which bits they cut and which bits they emphasise, underlining or highlighting sections that seem more relevant when you see the film. You might also find that you like Hamlet better having seen it on-screen.

OT: Weirdly, someone in my office appears to be watching Hamlet, I just got a blast of it - "...suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune..." indeed!
posted by featherboa at 7:53 AM on June 8, 2006

Best answer: Don't worry too much about the plot. The plot of Hamlet is fairly trivial, and can be gathered through any number of sources (Cliff's notes, Sparknotes, this humorous ditty, etc.). More likely what you need to know and understand are the major soliloquoys and speeches. These tell you what the play is actually about. If I only had an hour to study Hamlet, I'd read and reread the longest passages I could find.

What helps if you know you're going to be doing an essay doing a reading of the play based on a theme you've identified. So, for instance, take as your premise that one of the major themes in Hamlet is hesitation. Hamlet knows what he has to do, but can't or won't do it. Why? Reread the play with this theme in mind, use it as an insight into looking at the play from a different angle, pull out examples, counter-examples, make a list of how each of the major characters deals with this theme, memorize a couple key quotes, etc., and you now have the material to write an essay on Hamlet given almost any prompt.
posted by Hildago at 8:05 AM on June 8, 2006

I'd save Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead for another day. It's great, but I don't remember it being particularly insightful about Hamlet in specific, it's more of an exploration of existential questions using the plot of Hamlet as an outline.
posted by Hildago at 8:08 AM on June 8, 2006

altolinguistic writes "revising for school (i.e. pre-18, not university) exams - and here we do call it 'revision'"

I had no idea. I figured English was not philsi's first language, and I wasn't trying to be snarky, just helpful.
posted by OmieWise at 8:09 AM on June 8, 2006

Hildago nails it. You couldn't get better advice.
posted by Elsa at 8:09 AM on June 8, 2006

The introduction and section on Hamlet in Marjorie Garber's Shakespeare After All might be useful (assuming you source it in your answer :). It's a very accessible, very smart book based on Garber's years of lectures about the various plays.
posted by mediareport at 8:10 AM on June 8, 2006

Response by poster: Hildago: Thank you - that ditty is a lifesaver, and have printed it out next to my computer to remember it as an outline to the plot etc. Your other points are perfect.

altolinguistic: thanks, I am English - this is an A Level I'm revising for. I've just sort of lost the plot a bit as don't need to pass English for my university choice, and have been focussing on other subjects more. Unfortunately all our English exams are closed text, so no books at all, which again I struggle with.

Considering I work at a library I'm amazed I never thought to get a video out sooner - I'll get a version out when I go to work on Saturday.
posted by philsi at 8:33 AM on June 8, 2006

Oh yeah, absolutely rent the Branagh version. It's long, but it's (IIRC) unabridged, and really really well done. And a great Billy Crystal cameo as the gravedigger.
posted by Saucy Intruder at 8:36 AM on June 8, 2006

Considering I work at a library I'm amazed I never thought to get a video out sooner - I'll get a version out when I go to work on Saturday.
I'm betting that you aren't the only one wanting to borrow the video in your area - can you ring a member of staff and ask them to keep it aside for you until Saturday? If no copies are available you'll have more time to try video shops, family, friends, etc.
posted by ceri richard at 9:06 AM on June 8, 2006

I had a response in mind, but Hildago phrased it much better than I could have. Listen to Hildago.

Unless, of course, he tells you to avenge his murder by killing your English teacher.
posted by Faint of Butt at 9:46 AM on June 8, 2006

I always found that I couldn't really study for literature exams anyway. Basically, know the plot, know the characters, and know the themes that you discussed in class. From that, identifying any sight passage and writing on it should be simple. That got me through my undergraduate courses, and I'm heading off to do my PhD in September, so it worked for me.

Most professors do not look for incredibly originality or minutae in exams; they understand that writing under pressure isn't always the best for memory or creativity. Don't just regurgitate, but don't shoot for the moon, either. Focus on being right, not on breaking new ground in Hamlet criticism.
posted by synecdoche at 10:57 AM on June 8, 2006

Monday? It's Thursday now... by my calculations, you have at least two more days before you even start. I think the best idea would be to master the fine art of cramming. ;)

Seriously, though, what type of test is this? A writing portion you can smoodge your way though, but since this is pre-undergrad, I'm guessing you may have multi-choice or even fill in the blank questions?

In that case, find a friend, bring your notes, set up a war-room, and quiz the hell out of each other. Makes studying bearable and fun, even.
posted by dentata at 11:06 AM on June 8, 2006

revision = British English for review/prepping for an exam
posted by k8t at 11:08 AM on June 8, 2006

Oh, and I'd actually recommend the Mel Gibson/ Zeffirelli Hamlet over the Branagh -- a little more language-oriented, Ian Holm is brilliant, and it's really no stretch to believe that Mel is crazy.
posted by dentata at 11:27 AM on June 8, 2006

Response by poster: dentata: even though its pre-undergrad, I still have to write a 45 minute essay (expected to be around 1 1/2 sides to 3 sides). If only it was as straightforward as multi-choice or fill in the blanks!

Many thanks to everyone for all your help - I'll be using some of yor ideas to get me through my exam!

If anyone has any more hints / tips / ideas to help me through this exam feel free to add them on - all ideas welcome!
posted by philsi at 11:30 AM on June 8, 2006

Also watch Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hamlet in The Last Action Hero. "To be or not to be. Not to be." And then the grenades come. YouTube video (dubbed; in Spanish I think). "Something is rotten in Denmark...and Hamlet is taking out the trash!"
posted by kirkaracha at 11:58 AM on June 8, 2006

I think people here are underestimating what is expected of British 18-year-olds... yes, properly argued essays are required, no multiple choice for A-level that I know of. philsi - you might have got more helpful answers if you'd specified you were doing A-levels in the UK, though the posters that have no experience of anything outside the US would still weigh in anyway, no doubt.

Omiewise, I'm not including you in this swipe, I know you're knowledgeable about lots of things.
posted by altolinguistic at 2:14 PM on June 8, 2006

As a last resort, just get one of those revision book things and read the sample essays. If you can get the general idea from that of what kind of thing to write, it's good enough for an emergency.

It's also worth reading some existing critical writings about Hamlet, just so you can think to yourself whether you agree with them or not -- a quick way of forming opinions, basically.
posted by reklaw at 2:37 PM on June 8, 2006

I'd totally agree with those who said see a movie, if you're having trouble grasping overall themes and concepts. In my opinion (and I'm quite familiar with Hamlet) the Gibson version is the best for bundling the important points in a way that really sticks with you. I've found his interpretation of it the most enjoyable so far. The Branagh version will be a great counterpoint, giving the entire play plus his own dramatic interpretation, but 6 hours of movie watching might not be the best idea when you're cramming for a test. If that's possible, I'd say definitely do it - if not, I would choose the Gibson version.

Good luck!!!!
posted by AthenaPolias at 3:23 PM on June 8, 2006

If I was going to spend 2-3 hours "grasping overall themes and concepts," I'd definitely choose Marjorie Garber's chapter on Hamlet in Shakespeare After All over *any* movie. I find it difficult to believe Kenneth Branagh's film would offer more effective insights into the play's themes than Garber's work.
posted by mediareport at 6:06 PM on June 8, 2006

As someone who teaches and marks A-level Exam papers - although not your one by the sounds of it - I would be a little hesitant about endorsing Hildago's suggestions totally. I'd always advise students against going into the A-level exam with too much sense of the essay they want to write, eg Hamlet and hesitation. Examiners are suspicious of the "prepared essay" especially when it leads to students wandering too far off the actual question they have set. It's much better to have several possible essay topics in mind - certains themes (hesitation, responsibilities, madness etc etc), certain characters and certain aspects of style.

Really your teacher should have given you guidance on this and - most importantly - past questions: I hope you've seen these (if not they mgiht be on your exam boards website, or else demand them from your teacher).

I would always say that re-reading, no matter how many times, is seldom enough to make things stick - writing (even copying out speeches) means your brain is processing the information and it is more likely to stay there.

Finally I'd endorse the idea of getting together with a fellow student and comparing notes, thought etc. Good luck!
posted by peterbl at 3:32 AM on June 9, 2006

Response by poster: Okay, so if anyone is interested I've just got back after my exam, and it went okay. I watched the DVD of the 1980 BBC version as I couldn't get the Kenneth Branagh version and also spent a rather fun evening on Saturday with two girls from my class eating Ice Cream and discussing some key issues. I guess now all there is to do is wait until 17th August (results day),

Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions.
posted by philsi at 3:46 AM on June 12, 2006

Congrats, hope it went well.
posted by Hildago at 12:16 PM on June 12, 2006

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