I'm related to my lawn, and not by marriage
February 5, 2025 2:47 AM   Subscribe

Help me find an old blog post I vaguely recall reading (maybe 10-15ish years ago), which included a quote that went something like 'I'm related to my lawn, and not by marriage'.

I think it was someone's personal blog (not a livejournal, but also not scientific american or whatevs), and it was on the topic of us all being interconnected. Y'know, made of starstuff and all that. I think. This is driving me nuts - please help me find it?
posted by 168 to Science & Nature (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Sounds like something Hank Hill would say
posted by staggernation at 4:18 AM on February 5

Reminds me of today's xkcd. We should all engage that family tradition a little more often.
posted by Awfki at 4:41 AM on February 5 [4 favorites]

A possible lead, this sounds like something Benjamin Vogt (of Prairie Up, formerly known as Monarch Gardens) would say. If it wasn't him, he may have more leads. He's very active on Facebook under Milk the Weed, and is currently writing a book on the social history of lawns.
posted by ferenjamin at 7:32 AM on February 5

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