Toronto store for CBD oil for cats?
January 9, 2025 11:06 AM   Subscribe

We have inherited from our son a cat with arthritis/pain issues. We also inherited a little bottle of CBD oil he was using. It works really well, but we can't find anywhere to buy it again.

We're looking for recommendations for a brand of CBD oil that we can buy in person at a store in Toronto. Preferably in the west end south of St. Clair.
Our first try on our own was a brand that we have to refrigerate. We'd rather not, but will do so if that's the way they are.
Looking around the internet, some suggest that our local weed dispensary will be able to sell us something. Is that likely, and would they have the competence to prescribe for cats? (Our vet won't touch the issue.)
Subsidiary question: It says on the bottle "hemp-derived full-spectrum CBD extract." Is that marketing-speak for saying that it's not really CBD oil? Doesn't it have to be derived from a cannabis plant?
posted by feelinggood to Pets & Animals (4 answers total)
Best answer: CBD oil sold in pet stores in Canada is a scam. CBC Marketplace did a piece on it a while ago and discovered there is no actual CBD in it. This is because it's illegal for for non-licensed places to sell CBD oil and pet stores are not licensed.

The only way to get CBD oil is to buy from a licensed outlet. However, they are licensed for humans and none of those products are meant for pets and they do not come with dosage suggestions based on weight.
posted by dobbs at 11:16 AM on January 9 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Thanks, dobbs.
Watched the show. Not so much concerned about the illegality of it as the ineffectiveness. We'll stop wasting our money.
posted by feelinggood at 11:56 AM on January 9 [1 favorite]

Seems to be that if you can't get Pet CBD oil you could buy People CBD oil and use dosage guidance from the Internet, see e.g. here. It might not be in flavors your cat will love (my dogs loved the bacon flavored CBD oil from Royal CBD) but probably you should be able to find unflavored oil someplace.
posted by potrzebie at 1:24 PM on January 9 [1 favorite]

I would go to an OCS licensed dispensary and find a CBD oil that’s CBD with zero THC and low dose. I’ve given my small dog Solei Free.
posted by wheatlets at 5:47 AM on January 10 [1 favorite]

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