Baseball shirt just for me
December 19, 2024 11:10 AM   Subscribe

I'd like a personalised baseball shirt. I want my "team name" on the front, and my own name and number on the back, classic like. However, I would like it in nice quality, and with a proper sewn-on front name, or embroidered or whatever the method is. I don't mind transfer on the back I guess?

It's very easy to find shitty ones with just plain transfer on the front and some naff baseballesque font, not properly kerned or anything. Where can I get something decent.
Ideally shipping to europe and not insanely expensive, but I could be flexible and perhaps get a friend to bring here etc. I would want to wear it probably open like an overshirt. Cute no?
posted by Iteki to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (8 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Real for real jerseys have different kinds of fabric sewn onto the main jersey material for things like team name, logo, player name, and number - is that what you think you're wanting? If so, getting an authentic MLB player jersey runs somewhere in the $200-$300 range - is that "insanely expensive"? I don't know how the cost of yours would compare - on the one hand, you're not paying for the trademark and familiarity of the MLB team brand. On the other, they kick out thousands of those jerseys for real teams while you're just doing a one-off that would have to be fully designed and set up on whatever machine they use.
posted by LionIndex at 11:26 AM on December 19, 2024

Best answer: mizuno has a custom jersey maker that looks like it might do what you want? not sure if they ship to europe but sounds like you may have an option there.
posted by koroshiya at 11:30 AM on December 19, 2024

Mod note: Several comments deleted. Some were user requested while others contributed to the derail.
posted by travelingthyme (staff) at 12:59 PM on December 19, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: My understanding from r/baseball is that the replica jersey sellers on DHGate make a very high quality jersey for very little money. These are actively counterfeit MLB jerseys, so it's a sketchy area. But I bet they'd be capable of making you a very nice NON-MLB jersey if you reached out and asked.
posted by bowbeacon at 1:05 PM on December 19, 2024

You might look around for local screenprinting shops. If they don't do the kind of style you want themselves, they should have other local resources they can use to achieve whatever it is you need. The shop I work at has 2 of us designers and we do all sorts of little custom jobs like this from time to time.
posted by GoblinHoney at 2:01 PM on December 19, 2024

I would look into getting the jersey you want and taking it to someone who does machine embroidery. Rather than an all in one situation.
posted by amandabee at 9:21 PM on December 19, 2024

Response by poster: I’m sorry I wasn’t clear in my question, I’m really looking for an online store that makes single personalized shirts, not other ways to solve this. TBH after the chaos of this question pre deletes I don’t really want the shirt any more even, but am grateful for any more answers in case it feels better in the future. The mizuno store was fantastic, but only sell for full teams unfortunately. The quality rec from Reddit for DHgate is a great tip, thanks!
posted by Iteki at 10:34 PM on December 19, 2024 [2 favorites]

Best answer: I have no experience with them but Team Sporstwear with do this with an option for "sewn on twill" i.e. applique instead of screen print. You can purchase single jerseys.
posted by oneirodynia at 2:36 PM on December 20, 2024

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