Missing: Two adorable little ambitious RAPPING robot invaders.
October 14, 2024 9:19 PM   Subscribe

Attention Susan! Attention Humans! I remember two little rapping robots that were “by the bench!” THE BENCH BY THE FOUNTAIN!

I can’t remember the time frame because I used to look them up every few years. The computer I had their videos stored on was stolen and I haven’t been able to find them again. I do know that they were bought up by Disney Kids or some such, but I was into them before they went mainstream. 😎

One was a stocky black calulator toy with a deeper voice.
The other was yellow and orange? And had a higher pitched voice.

They were invading our space with bombs in the bass and they warned us “don’t go near the bench!” THE BENCH NEAR THE FOUNTAIN!

I swear I have made a good faith effort to find them but I’m drowning in wrong answers.
Please help me Susan!
I mean, Please help me humans!
posted by varion to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Invade All of the Humans, A Retro Robot Toy Rap (SLYT via LaughingSquid).
posted by zaixfeep at 11:04 PM on October 14 [8 favorites]

Response by poster: Fantastic! Now I need to find the (six?) other episodes.
Thank you so much!

posted by varion at 2:03 PM on October 15

Response by poster: Found more!
Some are missing! 😢

“That leaf is really holding up the invasion today!”

Style Attack!
“Why do you have a shoe!?”
posted by varion at 2:23 PM on October 15

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