Ideas for a milestone birthday gift
September 4, 2024 5:17 AM   Subscribe

A sibling's milestone birthday approaches and I have no idea what to get them.

It's funny but although we are close I know nothing about the kind of things they like. They have a young family. I know they like gaming, football (though I don't know what team they support), wine, beer, outdoor swimming and camping. I share none of these interests so I don't know what a good gift would be for someone into such things; although I suspect they might enjoy some kind of sports experience?! I don't want to give them something bulky that will be difficult to store, or specialised equipment to do with one of their hobbies at the risk of getting it wrong.

I was also thinking along the lines of a nice item of clothing that will last a long time, which might be a safer option, and I can run specifics past their partner.

Ideas would be welcome.

I don't mind dropping a fair bit of cash on this.
posted by unicorn chaser to Grab Bag (7 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
How much of a surprise do you need to keep it?

Is there anything stopping you from asking about which sports team it is? If you are trying to keep present highly top secret you could mention “oh so and so was asking me about sports… haha I told them I’m definitely the wrong person to ask. I don’t even know what team you follow! Which one is it?” Something like that

Are you the kind of close where you could ask “hey if you had the perfect 24 hour day what would that look like” and base your present around something within that?
posted by seemoorglass at 5:52 AM on September 4

Camping is a fun hobby to get gear for and even though lots of people have good gear there is always new technology.

You could get one of the very spendy REI star-gazer camping chair, with a astronomy laser pointer, and a night sky book.

One of the best things about camping is watching the skies.
posted by beccaj at 6:25 AM on September 4

If they have a young family, the best gift is TIME. This could be in the form of offering to babysit, paying for a babysitter, or taking away an obligation- eg, a professional chef to meal prep a week of meals, a cleaning service, a camping reservation already made, a camping reservation with one of those services where they provide the tent + chairs + firewood so you just show up with sleeping bags + food (amazing), etc. give them TIME!
posted by samthemander at 6:43 AM on September 4 [1 favorite]

I have no insight into milestone birthdays, because my family doesn't mark them, but as a beer drinker, I'm always pleased to receive a mixed case of craft beer for any reason. If I'm buying beer for myself, I'll get something I know I like. But if someone else buys beer for me, chances are I'll get to add something new to that list of what I know I like. So perhaps he'd appreciate an assortment of beer to go along with whatever statement gift you end up choosing.

(There are also subscriptions you can get, but they do come with an ongoing obligation of having to be home to receive it.)

If you happen to be in London, I should think the people at Clapton Craft or the House of Cans, for instance, would be happy to help you put together an interesting selection.
posted by ManyLeggedCreature at 9:12 AM on September 4

Outdoorsy? Get them a knife . . . with the relevant date / name / quip on it. Victorinex, the Swiss army knife ppl do this, but a knife doesn't need a corkscrew or a doobry for getting stones out of horse's hooves.
posted by BobTheScientist at 10:44 AM on September 4 [1 favorite]

Connecting with their spouse/partner might be helpful for narrowing on specifics. I like giving wine shipped from a winery as a gift.
posted by vunder at 11:58 AM on September 4 [1 favorite]

A beer of the month or wine if the month subscription for 6 months or a year. They'll get something new to try each month delivered to their house. My dad got a wine club gift for a milestone birthday and lhe oved it.
Gift certificate to a nice local restaurant with an offer to babysit for the evening (if you live nearby)
A good quality jacket, backpack, or camping equipment (Consult partner)
A watch (Consult partner)
If you find out what football team they support, a jersey or hoodie from the official shop (consult partner) or 2 game tickets (if feasible, also consult partner)

I personally would go with the wine club (with monthly delivery) as something low maintenance but high enjoyment potential.
posted by emd3737 at 2:35 PM on September 4

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