Softest and yet smallest yoga mat for travel
September 2, 2024 5:26 PM   Subscribe

I need a yoga mat that can fit in my luggage. What's a nice cushioned mat that also folds up really small?

I'm heading to a yoga retreat next week and was just informed we need to bring our yoga mat with us! I dont see how this is humanly possible but... I have a week to figure it out.

I am what some might call... an overpacker. There is no spare room in my suitcase. There is no way in hell I'm getting a yoga mat in this thing, along with the nine million other items I'm bringing. But I dont have a choice. There will not be an opportunity to buy one once I'm there. So I have to find the tiniest, most fold-up-able mat out there. BUT I dont want it to be paper thin because then it will hurt to use!

Can anyone recommend a good travel yoga mat that FOLDS up (not rolls) and still provides enough cushion? It has to be something that'll get to me (in NY) in the next week. I would prefer it be under $100. Leaving stuff out of my suitcase to create more room is not an option :) Ideally this thing wouldnt even GO in my suitcase and would somehow fit in my carry on?

Small bonus question: Will airlines let me bring a yoga mat in a sling onto the plane? Or will that eat up my "carry on" allotment and thus, be no good since I have to bring my backpack as my carryon?
posted by silverstatue to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (15 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Perhaps a thinner mat paired with something like Yoga Paws would work?
posted by Molasses808 at 6:40 PM on September 2, 2024 [1 favorite]

Unless you're doing a lot of dynamic transitions or working hot yoga, thin travel mat + blanket will be packable and versatile. Spread the blanket on the mat for any horizontal work, fold a mini pillow for your knees, use as your body prompts you (and you can also cover yourself during savasana with a blanket whose cleanliness you know about, win). It doesn't have to be an expensive yoga blanket, my studio uses the cheapest two dollar Ikea throws.

If knee pain is the main concern, pulling on the mat to double it up with a fold is even quicker.
posted by I claim sanctuary at 9:38 PM on September 2, 2024

If most of what's in your suitcase is clothes, and wrinkles are not an existential problem for you, you could vacuum pack some or all of them and create more room that way.

Right now, do you have both a carry-on and a "personal item" that will go under the seat in front of you, or just a carry-on?
posted by trig at 10:37 PM on September 2, 2024

Response by poster: Yes I will have a carry on and a personal item. I will be packed to the teeth. I could fit a yoga mat if it folds up to say, the size of a book. But that means I don't bring a book :( It really sucks. I am not happy about this.

No room to bring a blanket or towel or anything extra. There are so many online. Just looking for advice on which one to choose!
posted by silverstatue at 4:18 AM on September 3, 2024

Are you able to afford a larger checked suitcase or a larger carry-on? Or to pay for an extra checked bag?

I'm going to take you at your word that you truly can't see a way to cut or compress anything you've packed, but... do you have any friends or family who could take a look at your bags and be like "why do you have this many pants, there are travel versions of this and that, you can decant these as follows, and also you can stuff these socks into these crevices to save room"? Sometimes an extra set of eyes helps.

No room to bring a blanket
You can usually bring one on the plane as an actual blanket to cover yourself with during the flight (if it's not too huge).

Some people instead do the thing where they get a coat or jacket with lots of pockets and stuff those with clothes or other soft things instead of packing them in their suitcase. There are also "pillows" to use in-flight that are similarly stuffed with things that you'd otherwise pack in a bag.

But that means I don't bring a book :(

Borrow an ereader from someone?
posted by trig at 4:48 AM on September 3, 2024 [1 favorite]

What about just buying a mat when you get to the location of the retreat? (Or nearest city to the retreat?)
posted by TwoStride at 4:49 AM on September 3, 2024

Along those lines, you could also buy a book at the destination airport. Worst case, you leave it behind for some other lucky reader if you don't finish it during the retreat.
posted by trig at 4:53 AM on September 3, 2024

Best answer: Tiniest most fold-upable mat? Here as a longtime user to recommend Jade Voyager mat: folded fits easily in a very small day pack. For knees, use a hand towel--that you can probably find or borrow once on site. The Jade Voyager is thin, yeah, but it's a good grippy mat and at 1.5 lbs is really packable.

Call Jade to see if they can ship you one in time. 610-828-4830/888-784-7237
posted by xaryts at 6:50 AM on September 3, 2024

Even better- ship the new yoga mat to the retreat centre. Call first to make sure they can hold it until you arrive.
posted by shock muppet at 7:47 AM on September 3, 2024 [3 favorites]

shock muppet and I think alike. Have Amazon transport a yoga mat for you!
posted by epj at 11:01 AM on September 3, 2024

NY, you say? Sample the wares at Paragon Sports near Union Square, as I did last week. Spoiler alert: I was not pleased. YMMV. But at least you can experience a foldable yoga mat for yourself.
posted by fingers_of_fire at 4:01 PM on September 3, 2024

Best answer: The Manduka travel superlite can fold to the dimensions you want. It's thin but grippy and I use a hand towel as suggested above for knees.
posted by lizard music at 5:47 PM on September 3, 2024

Response by poster: Thank you for the mat suggestions! I think I’ll probably go with the Jade Voyager.
posted by silverstatue at 2:32 PM on September 4, 2024

Is buying a bigger suitcase instead an option? I’d use a travel yoga mat if I were going on a regular vacation and wanted to maybe do 20 minutes of yoga before going off to be a tourist. If I were going to a yoga retreat I would want a regular yoga mat. You could get one of those giant duffles and use a lot of packing cubes to keep your other stuff sorted.
posted by Kriesa at 3:32 AM on September 6, 2024

Response by poster: No, no other option is possible. I only need travel yoga mat suggestions, please. Thanks!
posted by silverstatue at 11:03 AM on September 6, 2024

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