Damn this brain fog. I fucked up. Do I need to worry?
August 7, 2024 8:24 AM   Subscribe

Yesterday, I went in for my immunotherapy session. As my medical financial assistance had expired, the nurse encouraged me to re-apply yesterday. I did, but I made a major mistake.

I was exhausted from the infusion and had some brain fog, but as the application was paper-based and the nurse would submit it for me, I had to go ahead and fill it out. I looked at my paystub and put in the amount, but forgot to multiply the amount by two and wrote out "$___/month" (with $___ being the amount of the one paystub). I don't know how this happened—this is completely unlike me, but again, brain fog/exhaustion is real. At the time, I didn't make the connection somehow, and gave it to the nurse.

Today, with a fresher mind, I realized in hindsight my mistake. I called their medial financial services, explained the situation, and was told there was nothing they could do and that they would match up my income with a 3rd party anyway, and that I could re-apply if declined. They said people made those mistakes all the time.

This is probably my anxiety/RSD talking, but I'm worried they'll think I'm trying to commit fraud, especially as my income is double what I put on the form. There was this whole "under perjury all information is true..." next to my signature.

Do I have something truly tangible to be worried about here? I feel so, so, so dumb and just... ugh. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm usually so sharp and on top of everything.

(BTW, this was my 6th round, and my next CT is in September. Nervous about that but trying to stay positive and hope everything stays stable.)
posted by dubious_dude to Human Relations (3 answers total)
Best answer: Its understandable and it appears, as the person said, that it happens all the time!

I would be inclined to believe the person that you talked to, that said it was ok and that you may just have to reapply if declined.

But if you are still worried about the fraud side of things, you could send an email or letter noting the error to document in writing that you reached out to correct it, so that if it ever became an issue, you could prove that you made the effort to clear things up.

Good luck with everything!
posted by bruinfan at 8:31 AM on August 7, 2024 [5 favorites]

Best answer: What the hell is wrong with me?

I mean, you’re being treated for cancer. Both cancer and its treatment are deeply stressful, quite apart from the physical effects like brain fog. And you’re doing all the admin for yourself, by the sound of it.

You really, really really deserve to cut yourself some slack and be kind to yourself. You’re doing your best, dude. Everyone makes mistakes even in perfect circumstances, which these are not.
posted by penguin pie at 12:37 PM on August 7, 2024 [3 favorites]

Response by poster: You really, really really deserve to cut yourself some slack and be kind to yourself.

Agreed. I was really emotional this morning. I know I need to ease up on myself and be kinder to myself. :\ the joys of being a perfectionist!

Thanks, I'll send an email to protect myself but will just let this go.
posted by dubious_dude at 1:03 PM on August 7, 2024 [6 favorites]

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