RestStopFilter : CA I-5 from SF to San Ber’dino.
August 1, 2024 9:17 PM   Subscribe

Tomorrow afternoon I'll drive via the 5 from San Francisco ish to the eastern wilds of some of Frank Zappa’s favorite stomping grounds. Would love your recommendations for the best places to stop for a short break, maybe a snack, and definitely a pee. Not looking for long stays or involved sight-seeing ; but a pharmacological dependency means my bladder’s a bit overenthusiastic for frequent activity. Already planning to make a stop in Coalinga. Thanks!
posted by jerome powell buys his sweatbands in bulk only to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
There are lots of rest stops on the I-5, so that will meet your need for a break and a pee, but most of them do not have snacks (though they may have a derelict vending machine or two.) For snacks, you should instead plan to get off at the small hamlets offering gas and one or two fast food places.
posted by eleslie at 12:50 AM on August 2

If you’re not familiar with the drive, look on your preferred driving app for where gas stations are/are not. There are some desolate stretches that you may want to identify ahead of time so you know to pull off for a proactive break.

I’ve made the trip plenty of times and don’t have specific recommendations, but larger truck stops can be novel to wander around.
posted by itesser at 6:29 AM on August 2

After Coalinga, you'll have an In-N-Out and Bravoland in Kettleman City. Bravoland is sort of like Harris Ranch, in that there feels like a little more room to walk around.

Right before you start heading up the Grapevine, there is another In-N-Out and truck stop in Gorman.

Or, you can hit the Flying J a little bit up the hill in Frazier Park.

I have less experience with the rest of your drive.
posted by bruinfan at 7:34 AM on August 2 [1 favorite]

Pea Soup Andersens in Santa Nella has the cleanest bathrooms on the 5. I've never regretted peeing there. And honestly the pea soup is mega delish (and happens to be vegan).
posted by BlahLaLa at 7:38 AM on August 2 [1 favorite]

Oh, BlahLaLa reminded me, the danish pastries at Pea Soup Andersens are also fabulous. And yes, the bathrooms are better.
posted by eleslie at 6:25 AM on August 3 [1 favorite]

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