Recommend a compact mattress topper?
July 12, 2024 9:34 AM   Subscribe

If you have personal experience with a comfy, roughly queen-sized, non-down mattress topper that can be easily stashed in a closet corner, please let me know! My home is small, with minimal storage space.
posted by sugarbomb to Home & Garden (1 answer total)
Best answer: My parents have a latex topper (from Sleep on Latex) that they use on their fold-out sofa bed. It works great.

They keep it stashed in the closet when the sofa bed is in sofa mode. It takes up a fair amount of closet space though (due to its bulk it must be rolled up, not folded), so it might be too big for your purposes.

If you’re looking for something thinner than that, you could go with wool - there are some nice ones out there, of different designs (fleecy, quilted, etc.). Woolroom, Frankenmuth Woolen Mill are two brands you might browse to get an idea (for what it’s worth, I have a quilted topper from Woolroom that is great, very well made).
posted by marlys at 1:30 PM on July 12 [1 favorite]

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