Is there a guide/standards/community around organizing repositories?
June 30, 2024 5:56 PM   Subscribe

Are there any tools that let you create a refspec similar to Github's templates ... like Terraform/Andible not for environments or networking but the best way to setup a repository? Go has a good refspec on modules down to how you're supposed to do in commits. Cargo has the same on packages. Javascript as nothing cllose to a refspec that I know of. WIthout getting into why (no stdlibrary, etc;) I can setup an Ansible, Terraform infrastructure but not like the latest in a standard Node/NPM project. There's 500 different blogging platforms, not to mention Node runs services too. I don't want to go too experimental with Bun or whatever (unless it can scaffold and get out of your way). This all started when I wanted to build README with [!NOTES] but GitHub has becoming a confusing mess of open source and not and all I wanted was to create a MD file that looks like GitHub's Readme says they're all open source and use ProseMirror and Markdown-it but really meant they use proprietary versions.

Sorry if this is two questions but I don't need commit or pull requests, just a simple site to create a readme I can copy and paste the Markdown and these features show up. Then I realized they're proprietary and I have no idea how it takes the gem files that build out the markdown and render it without paying for Enterprise. So I realized everytime I start a JS/Typescript project its like impossible to tell what's going on. GitHub has a backend server that processes this so maybe this is a bad example, but what my real question is there a refspec so I can know okay I need Typescript? Enable these features? Creating a Typescript/JS package? Here's how you do it and check against the refspec.
posted by geoff. to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Are you looking for something like Yeoman or g8 (that's the command, I've forgotten what the tool is called)? There are a zillion repo template tools plus every big framework is apt to have their own. Plus some languages have more or less canonical layouts (think Java).
posted by hoyland at 6:22 PM on June 30, 2024

Maybe you're looking for something like cookiecutter? It's made in/for Python, but can support any language. Scroll through the "cookiecutter" tag on GitHub and you'll find many Python templates, and a handful for Swift, Go, Kotlin, etc.
posted by jraenar at 8:19 AM on July 2, 2024

Not sure how relevant it is but some time ago, I was looking for a way to enforce conventional commits on my git commits. For example, instead of git commit -m "foo bar", conventional commit message like git commit -m "build: foo bar" not only tells you what the commit was for (build, fix, chore, etc.) but also helpful in auto-generating change logs.

To enforce this particular git workflow as a standard, I have created the enforce-git-message python package. You can simply install this with "pip install enforce-git-message" and all new git commits will be allowed only under this convention.
posted by pyeri at 8:13 PM on July 2, 2024

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