Looking for 2025 summer camp(s) abroad for kids & escape from the grind.
June 26, 2024 7:34 AM   Subscribe

My husband and I are seriously considering a 3–4-week escape in Europe or elsewhere in late summer of 2025. We'd like to rent an Airbnb near a credible daytime summer camp for the kids – they will be 5 (boy) and 8 (girl). Has anyone done something similar, and if so, what camps would you recommend overseas? We want them both to have the experience of a lifetime - so while we like the idea of some language immersion or class, we do not want this to feel like school for them. Looking for recommendations and referrals on daytime camps.

Some more details:
We currently live in Houston, TX and have a very busy lifestyle so the idea of a 3–4-week escape sounds, well, like a true escape. I work in private equity but am an MD and have been with the firm for a long time, so while I know I'll need to be on calls and work part of the trip, I also feel I've reached seniority to make this happen. My husband has a more flexible job but would still need to "WFH" on occasion. We are looking for a day camp only so the kids will eat dinner and sleep with us each night.

We'd also love an area of Europe (or elsewhere) that allows my husband and I to do some things during the daytime if we can escape work and to take the kids on day trips during the weekend(s). We will need to rent a car. We may also invite my parents for a part of the trip as well. For location, safety will be very important to us.

My boy will be 5 and has been at a French immersion school since he was 3. He also hears quite a bit of Spanish but is less familiar. My daughter really only knows English, but eventually, we'd like her to learn another language as well (French or Spanish). My husband and I only speak English. Both kids are pretty outgoing.

We would like to go end of July into August, before school starts for the kids in the US. How competitive is it for the camp and how should I go about admissions? Cost is less of a factor for us - we are going for experience and are willing to pay for it!
posted by Shaitan to Travel & Transportation (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
This wouldn’t work for your younger kiddo, but I’ll include it here in case it’s useful for anyone else who is interested. Many years ago, I worked a summer at the Robert College Summer Camp in Istanbul. It’s an English immersion camp with a mix of native English speakers and Turkish kids. It’s a great program and Istanbul has plenty to offer.

posted by raccoon409 at 7:43 AM on June 26 [1 favorite]

A tangential observation: this is literally what "family-friendly" all-inclusive resorts are designed for.
...point being, consider that option if you don't turn up any interesting/available camps.
posted by aramaic at 9:04 AM on June 26 [5 favorites]

I found these sites when searching summer camps in Spain: https://solocampamentos.com/en
posted by EllaEm at 9:05 AM on June 26

I'd also recommend vacationing like the Europeans do... Go to an all-in resort like a Kinderhotel. Hanging out at an all inclusive hotel for a couple of weeks would probably involve just as much immersion as a camp, especially because all-day activities for kids are often included. Fishing, horseback riding, magic lessons, cooking classes, pony-rides, skiing... While you get to go to the spa.

Airbnb is increasingly being cracked down on in some parts of Europe and isn't that much cheaper than a hotel anyway any more. But honestly, would you rather be dealing with some rando amateur's cheap-ass second home that you have to scrub clean at the end of the trip yourself, or stay somewhere with room service, an on-site pool, and free meals?
posted by EllaEm at 9:17 AM on June 26 [10 favorites]

It’s a small list but I might start with the American Camp Association list of overseas accredited camps.
posted by warriorqueen at 10:58 AM on June 26 [1 favorite]

We would like to go end of July into August
July and August are the very hottest months in many European countries. Not just southern Europe but far up north. And air conditioning is not a universal commodity. Plus, both France and Italy more or less close down during August.
You will generally find a/c in upper price range hotels. I would be doubtful of any claim of US style a/c in airbnb or cheap hotels.

I agree very much with EllaEm's recommendation. When my son was younger we stayed at several of the Kinderhotels listed.
Many are at a higher altitude = cooler temperatures, and by amazing lakes.
posted by 15L06 at 3:07 PM on June 26 [1 favorite]

I agree with all the recommendations for all inclusive family hotels/resorts. If you really have 3-4 weeks you might consider splitting your time between two or three locations that offer different activities.

But know these are not business hotels. So there may not be a desk etc.
posted by koahiatamadl at 3:39 PM on June 26 [1 favorite]

If you go to a resort it will probably have a kids club. Otherwise there are definitely kids camps in all UK towns and cities, but they may be booked up by now.
posted by plonkee at 2:31 PM on June 28

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