People who like People
June 21, 2024 8:48 PM   Subscribe

I would like suggestions to replace the People app in Windows 10 that are not "use the new Outlook"

Recently Microsoft has unilaterally decided to replace the Mail/People/Calendar app in Windows 10 with "new Outlook". My office mate (and wife) _detests_ Outlook from a previous experience at an organization she worked for and has been using Eudora for email for years because of that, and the default People app in Windows 10 for her contact information. When Microsoft cut off the People app, her ability to manage contacts went with it. While we know where the contact files are (long story but we put them in their own folder and changed the icon on her desktop to point there, so that they would be backed up with some other stuff), there isn't an app to deal with them any more.

If you have success with contacts applications in Windows 10 that are NOT Outlook, please offer them as suggestions. She would also very much NOT like her contacts to be in the cloud; I already spend some time trying to clean up things from Google that her phone "helpfully" syncs there.

Free and/or cheap are of course appreciated; if it's open source please mention that.
posted by TimHare to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
I haven't uses any but has a bunch of recommendations.
posted by ropeladder at 11:28 AM on June 22 [1 favorite]

I'm surprised no one has come along yet to recommend Thunderbird (free & open-source).
posted by kickingtheground at 12:10 PM on June 22

It's been years since I used Eudora; does it not have a contact manager/address book?

Thunderbird is an excellent suggestion, but it's primarily an email client and I don't know how it compares to Eudora.

Great title, btw.
posted by lhauser at 12:17 PM on June 22

Response by poster: Thunderbird / Eudora had a relationship in 2010 (see this Wikipedia article if you are interested) but both are email clients. My wife is not interested in switching email clients at this time (having worked in tech all my life, I have learned how difficult it is to switch a user's interface!) she views contacts as a separate application and is looking for something to just do that, with hopefully the ability to import the contacts she already has
posted by TimHare at 8:37 PM on June 22

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