ISO food storage containers that seal better than Oxo Pop
May 30, 2024 2:28 PM   Subscribe

I've used Oxo Pop containers for nearly 20 years, and they're perfect for my needs except for one little thing: the lids don't actually seal! By which I mean: I believe they are indeed airtight, but if I pull on the sealed/"popped" down lid even slightly it comes off. Are there airtight food storage containers just like these except with lids that stay put? Must be available in square or rectangular. Plastic or glass is fine. "Just don't pull on the lids" is not a realistic solution for my household.
posted by rhiannonstone to Shopping (11 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Progressive Prepworks Prokeeper are expensive but are my current favorites.
posted by supercres at 2:40 PM on May 30, 2024

Is the “pop”/one touch mechanism necessary? Because if not, the lock&lock style 4-snaps containers (not just this brand but anything with a similar mechanism) have worked great for me.
posted by btfreek at 2:43 PM on May 30, 2024 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: They don't need the "pop" mechanism! The lock&lock style is fiddly but if I need to deal with fiddly for secure food storage, I can.

They do need to be relatively straight-sided so they can fit together fairly snugly on a shelf, which I'm not sure the Progressive Prepworks Prokeepers would?
posted by rhiannonstone at 3:15 PM on May 30, 2024

Best answer: I hate those OXO Pop containers. I have been looking to transition to Rubbermaid Brilliance, my cousin loves hers.
posted by radioamy at 3:47 PM on May 30, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Love our Rubbermaid Brilliance, which I've recently noticed are also offered as glass containers.
posted by icaicaer at 5:02 PM on May 30, 2024

Best answer: I also love my Rubbermaid Brilliance containers. I have lots of the plastic ones for storage, plus a smaller set of glass ones for leftovers that I'll want to microwave to reheat. I started buying them around 2019, and they are all still in great shape. There are relatively few lid sizes, and in general, the various sizes stack together well. The sides are very slightly slanted, to allow for nesting them when not in use.

Literally the only downside for me is that the lids need extra drying time on the counter after going through the dishwasher.

Buying pieces individually is generally pretty spendy, but if the sizes in the big sets are suitable for you, those tend to be a much better deal.
posted by ktkt at 6:15 PM on May 30, 2024

Best answer: Another vote for Rubbermaid Brilliance—I have them in both glass and plastic, and they seal so well it often takes some effort to remove them. And food stays fresh in them for ages.
posted by CtrlAltDelete at 9:41 PM on May 30, 2024

Are you aware of Cambro containers? They are the standard in commercial kitchens, and available in many sizes, though not a lot of small options.
posted by wenestvedt at 4:37 AM on May 31, 2024

Best answer: N-thing that I actually have a hard time getting the lids off some of my Rubbermaid Brilliance containers, that's how tightly they stay on.
posted by misskaz at 6:02 AM on May 31, 2024

2nding Cambro, especially for larger storage of dry goods.
posted by hydra77 at 6:53 AM on May 31, 2024

Response by poster: I got a few of the Rubbermaid Brilliance ones to try because I already had the smaller version for storing leftovers and loved them -- I didn't realize they made larger versions for bulk/pantry storage, and hadn't thought to look!

So far they're great. They don't sit quite as flush against each other as the Oxo Pops do, but I suspect nothing with a well-sealing lid is going to. Seems like the larger versions are only available in plastic -- and that's probably fine, the 16-cup container in glass would probably be too heavy -- so mostly I'm just waiting for time to tell if they're going to stay crystal-clear.

Thanks all.
posted by rhiannonstone at 2:59 PM on June 7, 2024

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