Haircuts for wavy hair in NJ/NYC
January 30, 2024 12:04 PM   Subscribe

Hi all! Does anyone have recommendations for places to get good, <$120 haircuts for wavy hair in central/north NJ or NYC?

My hair is different day to day. Some days are curlier and others are more of a straight wavy. I'm open to a wet or dry cut (and if you have advice on which is better or other haircut advice for wavy hair, that would be great, too). Thanks!
posted by girasoli to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (3 answers total)
Best answer: I have been happy with my Brooklyn (Park Slope) stylist, who splits time with a Chelsea salon. So happy that I haven't tried to find one in Michigan yet even after 17 months away from NYC, but luckily it's still holding up. Jon works at
Union Beauty in Park Slope and Antonio Prieto in Chelsea.

i have curly hair and went to Jon for probably seven years in NYC. He's the only one I've been happy with after trying a few other salons in my neighborhood. I decided to try Union Beauty after reading some strong reviews from other curly haired people on yelp (I think) and given that the owner has curls, I thought she'd be a little more attentive to how curls were treated in the salon. His rate is probably just at or above your budget though (before tip) and I'm guessing the Chelsea salon is probably more expensive. He had cut me dry and wet, although if my memory is correct we more often did it dry.
posted by icaicaer at 5:04 PM on January 30, 2024

Best answer: I thought I had wavy (read: frizzy) hair until I had a dry DevCut and it turns out I have 3a hair when it's cut and maintained like it's curly. I'd look at the DevaCurl stylist finder and see if there's anyone near you in your price range. I think that should be doable in NJ.

I was able to see someone at Candace Witherspoon Salon for $130 in NYC a few years ago, but I had to book months ahead of time so I switched to someone a but more expensive bit with way more availability.
posted by A Blue Moon at 5:42 PM on January 30, 2024

Response by poster: Thank you!
posted by girasoli at 8:04 PM on January 31, 2024

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