Give me the skinny on your lipo experiences.
May 6, 2006 5:23 AM   Subscribe

Talk to me about yr lipo experiences.

So, I note the prior question about liposuction here, and while it's similar, my question is a bit further down the process-line.

I have a doctor, I have the arrangements, I have a date booked. In short, I'm doing it.

To "set the stage," as it were, it's going to be relatively minor: a bit of "clean-up" from the days when I was 250 pounds (versus my ~175 now) to get rid of the overhang on all sides that I just can't kick through six-mile-a-day runs, weight training, and a reasonably-well-observed eating regimen. I have about 5-10 extra pounds of body stuff that I just can't kick. This is more of a body-sculpting sort of maneuver, then, in the scheme of things.

The procedure will be Tumescent SAL (Suction-Assisted), not UAL (Ultrasonic-Assisted), with no general anaesthesia (obviously).

I am a 29-year-old white male, FWIW, but both male and female perspectives are welcome: Any personal experiences to relate on having this procedure done? Discomfort during the procedure? Post-surgical mobility? These are topics for my doc (with whom I am also discussing them), but I always enjoy the real-life AskMeFi perspective.

I know, for one, that YMMV, and I am not in any way construing this as medical advice, so no IANAD necessary.
posted by mykescipark to Health & Fitness (1 answer total)
I had some lipo done in conjunction with an abdominoplasty just about 7 months ago.

The most important thing that you need to know is that the bruising will be bad, it was the most disconcerting thing about my procedure. I had no bruising from the tummy tuck, but the lipo areas where horribly purple and just yucky. My surgeon is a good friend of mine and he warned me about it, but apparently it's pretty common for doctors to forget to mention this.

The drains were also a pain. I'm assuming you'll have two, one for each side. Pay very close attention to them, they will be the most inhibiting for your general movement. Follow the doctors orders to the letter on caring for your drains. The wound from one of my drain holes took longer to close up than my inciscion, which ran from hip to hip. Your drain sites will probably leak some. Have thick gauze pads on hand.

Wear whatever compression garment they give you. If they don't give you one, ask for one. It will reduce the swelling and help to minimize the chances for any fluid to build up.

MakeMeHeal was an invaluable resource for me. As great as my surgeon was, I could have FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT had I not done plenty of reading on their message boards. They have a forum for more or less every procedure out there.

I was told to take two weeks - minimum - off from work for my procedure. I did and I'm glad I did. I was fairly mobile within a week, but my energy was totally zapped. Obviously the Tummy Tuck/Abdominoplasty is a much more significant procedure and all, but my point is that you should plan on some down time. The more you're up and about doing things the less time you're giving your body to heal. And when you get right down to it you just paid someone to shove a metal prong around inside your body - it needs time to heal.

Finally - I'll touch on the regain issue. It's true, if you gain weight again, you won't regain it in the same place/way that you would have before. It's very strange. After my surgery I couldn't work out for quite a while and I put on just a few pounds. I didn't realize it though because I was used to noticing that stuff around my waist first. I realized it when I put on a favorite t-shirt and the arms were tight. Freaky.

I'm positive that I'm missing something even with this windbag of a response, so my email is in my profile. Drop me a line if you have specific questions.
posted by FlamingBore at 12:44 PM on May 6, 2006

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