Simple habit app that will just let me log the dates I do things
November 16, 2023 5:55 PM   Subscribe

…and ideally nothing else? (Picky details inside)

I’ve loved habitica for a long time and it has really helped me get into a routine that works for me, and has allowed me to figure out exactly what I needed to do every day/do regularly to stay mentally well over the last few years. However, now that I have my ride or die list of essential tasks, I’m forced to admit habitica just isn’t working for me like it used to for keeping track of them because I’m just not checking things off every day anymore, no matter how many times I tell myself I’ll go back to doing that. (I have ADHD as well as being autistic l, so I need this routine but frustratingly no one method of sticking to it will work for me in the long term, and I have to change it up sometimes.)

I’m planning to move to an analogue system, but I want a backup way to collect the information in case I miss a day or am away from my paper planner. Ideally this backup should just be an app on my phone with basically a list of tasks and a button I can press that ‘stamps’ a habit with the dates I did it, that I can use as a reference for when I fill in my analogue tracker. I was hoping habitica might have this information stored somewhere for habits so I could get rid of all my dailies and just use it for keeping that info, but after checking the wiki I can’t see that it does (if you have knowledge that this info is stored in some corner of the desktop site somewhere please point me to where because that would be my ideal solution!)

Would be a bonus if the alternative app was visually very simple and list based, and has the ‘last done’ info in an ‘easy to see at a glance’ place. I don’t want it to be my main system, it’s just a quick place to note these dates down as a backup, so extra bells and whistles or incentives to use it like a big focus on streaks would be a minus point but maybe doable if they’re not obtrusive or distracting.
posted by chives to Technology (5 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Google Forms could be set up to do this and load the results into a Google Sheet. It is free for personal use.
posted by soelo at 8:43 PM on November 16, 2023 [2 favorites]

I don't think I see which kind of phone you have or how many things you're trying to track.

If you have an iPhone, Streaks gets pretty close to what you want. It doesn't have a list format, exactly -- it has four pages of up to six items each, so you have to swipe to see everything. I get the feeling you might find the UI a little inefficient for what you're after, but the website has screenshots for you to decide.

It's simple to use:

A long press checks off an item, a tap shows the dates it was completed and some completion metrics. A little frustratingly, it shows those things in a calendar view with no numbers, so depending on how often you reconcile with your paper system, that could be harder to manage, but if you're checking back in at least once a week it shouldn't be too bad.
posted by Pudding Yeti at 10:47 PM on November 16, 2023

I use an open source Android app called Habits, formerly Loop Habit Tracker, and really like how visually simple it is.
posted by knucklebones at 11:39 PM on November 16, 2023 [2 favorites]

If you have an iPhone, Hindsight might work for you?
posted by sailoreagle at 5:00 AM on November 17, 2023

Seconding habits if you're on android.
posted by ambulanceambiance at 5:00 AM on November 17, 2023

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