Apple Pencil 2 won’t show as charging?
November 2, 2023 11:11 AM   Subscribe

I have a 4th gen IPad Pro running current OS (updated 11/2/23). I tried a few weeks ago to use an Apple Pencil after not using for several months - it wouldn’t connect so I just assumed the pencil was dead. I ordered a new Pencil and it connects, but will not charge.

OS updated, I have done a hard reset, reset all settings, forgot/restart/re-paired and still nada. Connection is clean. No trauma to the iPad. Anything else I can try?
posted by honeybee413 to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Is this the Pencil that charges and pairs by attaching to the side of the iPad with a magnet (aka Apple Pencil 2nd generation), or is it the newer model that attaches with a magnet but charges by USB-C (Apple Pencil USB-C)? I'm assuming it's the totally wireless one, since I think you would have needed to plug in the USB-C one to pair, as well as to charge, but I haven't used that one, so I'm not totally sure.

Is your iPad a 12.9" or an 11"? The generations are pretty different for the two different sizes -- 4th gen is the current generation for the 11" but the 12.9" is on 6th gen. It looks like either of them should be compatible with either of those pencil models, though.

Assuming it isn't the USB-C pencil, I think the most likely explanation is either that you got a dud Pencil or that the magnetic charging on your iPad is broken in a non-obvious way. If you have an Apple Store near you, they can probably help you figure out what's going on, but I'm guessing you would have already tried that if it were an easy option.

Do you by any chance use/have one of the keyboards that attaches to the iPad with that same magnetic system? That would let you narrow down whether it's the iPad or the Pencil that's at fault. Failing that, I think the next thing I'd try would be exchanging the Pencil and hoping for the best.
posted by duien at 2:50 PM on November 2, 2023

Response by poster: Update: It has to be the pencil. I had a 12.9-and I bought a new 6th gen iPad today. Same problem. It’s the magnetic pencil.

I was sure that it was the iPad because the old machine with two different pencils had the same problem. The Genius Bro was of minimal help and told me he would call me back after he rebooted… that was about a half hour ago. Pretty peeved right now.
posted by honeybee413 at 7:19 PM on November 2, 2023

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