You blew it up! Ah, Danube! Danube you all to hell!
September 18, 2023 5:15 PM   Subscribe

My MIL, whom I love dearly, wants to take a cruise down the Danube. I want to make this the best experience possible for her.

Cost is not a consideration, schedule is wide open, and we have no idea what we're doing. She's pretty fit for an 87 year old. She can walk a mile with no problem, right now. That may change with no notice, but we can accommodate. What is the best cruise line for a Danube cruise? What is the best itinerary for a Danube cruise? When is the best time of year to take a Danube cruise? Thank you MetaFilter, you're my only hope!
posted by Floydd to Travel & Transportation around Budakalász, Hungary (7 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
We did a Viking River Cruise down the Danube in our mid-30s, we were the youngest people on that boat. 60 was the general minimum. This seemed to be true on all the other boats we saw too (we still loved it - we did Budapest to Bucharest).

They are geared pretty heavily towards those in an older set so nothing involved TOO much walking and definitely nothing more strenuous than walking. They treat the guests really well too, so just asking the concierge for help or explanation will get them so much info, help, or other ideas.

The boat itself does have an elevator but stairs are probably the hardest thing she would be required to do.

We went in July, it was definitely hot, the boat had A/C and was very pleasant but it was definitely hot outside.
posted by magnetsphere at 6:44 PM on September 18, 2023

Uniworld's Boutique River Cruise was excellent. It's basically a floating boutique hotel, and the smaller passenger capacity makes for more attentive and personalized service. Avoid summer months because it can get very hot (>40°C/104°F in some ports of call).

We did Budapest to Bucharest in 2015, mainly because this was a part of Europe we weren't acquainted with at the time. Other sections of the Danube may appeal more to your MIL.
posted by pendrift at 5:49 AM on September 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

Some friends, who are avid cruisers, did one in the winter. Their suggestion: Do NOT do a river cruise in the winter.

The boats are relatively small, and if it's too cold or nasty to go outside (on the open decks) you are trapped in a tiny area.
posted by mbarryf at 6:30 AM on September 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

The best place to research this is Cruise Critic - they have very active message boards that have reviews, live reports from passengers, tons of pictures, and lots of analysis from people who are huge cruise fans and will scrutinize every aspect down to the tiniest minutiae.
posted by Daily Alice at 6:59 AM on September 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

My parents also did a Viking River Cruise and loved it.
posted by samthemander at 9:24 AM on September 19, 2023

What is the best cruise line for a Danube cruise?

Seconding the suggestion to check out Cruise Critic.

What is the best itinerary for a Danube cruise?

Focus on the length of time that you want to be on the cruise. There are usually 8 days, 15 days, and sometimes more. Obviously, the longer you're on the ship, the more territory you'll cover. Once you have chosen the length, look at a map and decide which cities/ports you would prefer. If you've chosen 8 days, for example, you have options on the upper Danube (ending in Budapest, say) or the lower Danube further into Eastern Europe.

When is the best time of year to take a Danube cruise?

This probably depends on your tolerance for weather. Others have commented about the heat in the summer. We did a Christmas Markets Cruise (Viking) on the Danube. Yes, it was cold but we packed accordingly. Rain was the only complication.

Avid cruisers (see mbarryf, above) are accustomed to more space and might feel cramped on a river cruise ship. YMMV.
posted by John Borrowman at 9:54 AM on September 19, 2023 [1 favorite]

I'm going to go against the grain from the entries here and say to avoid Viking. They are big, they are well known, but the folks I talked to who have been on multiple river cruises all went on Viking first and then switched. Viking has treated people poorly when circumstances went awry. The one I have heard with the most frequency is Tauck.

That said, all river cruises are subject to risks. The Danube in particular has had bad droughts several times in the last decade, which in the worst case can turn your luxury cruise into a partial or even full bus tour. The worst times for drought are winter and summer.

I will highly recommend doing the German and Austrian section during Christmas (so Wein - Regensburg or thereabouts). German speakers just know how to Christmas at the highest level. If you take the attitude that there is no bad weather, just bad clothing, you'll see the locals out and and about making merry, regardless of conditions.

The average age of passengers is quite old, even compared to your ocean cruising standard. Like 1 or 2 people below 35 on the whole ship (we joke that our tween son was a minor minor celebrity, people would come up to talk to him just to chat). Tauck and Viking run some "family" cruises that attract a slightly younger crowd, but only in comparison.
posted by wnissen at 2:09 PM on September 19, 2023

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