Danube Cruise
June 8, 2005 12:51 AM   Subscribe

Budapest to Prague by riverboat Artistry via the Danube and Main/Danube Canal. Advice needed.

My partner and three of her friends are taking this trip to celebrate ther fiftieths. Their mobiles/cell phones are important to them and will need recharging. The dual voltage charger doe not require a transformer, but does require an adapter for its North American plug. What's a good bet?

For those who may have taken this trip in the past, any advice, observations or anecdotes would be gleefully be received as they gleefully prepare for this summer's trip.

I shall be gleefully swatting mosquitos in a small Saskatchewan town during this trip in celebration of the Province's centenary.
posted by Neiltupper to Travel & Transportation around Danube, MN (2 answers total)
As far as plug adapters go, you can pick up cheap ones at most any electronics or travel store. Don't get the voltage adapter, just get a plug adapter for the North American two flat prongs --> European two round prongs and they should be fine.

I haven't taken a boat trip down the Danube, but I've lived in Vienna and have travelled many times in between Prage, Vienna and Budapest. The old Hapsburg empire is an incredible place - lots of culture and very safe. I'm sure they'll have a great time.

One tip would be to try some of the local wines. Both Austria and Hungary have some excellent vintages.
posted by nyterrant at 5:29 AM on June 8, 2005

You should also make sure their phones will actually get service over there. Europe uses a different standard than North America.
posted by nyterrant at 5:31 AM on June 8, 2005

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