Trans clothes recommendations for my nephew!
September 1, 2023 6:47 AM   Subscribe

Asking anonymously to preserve the safety and privacy of my loved ones. My family’s AFAB high schooler has just begun transitioning to he/him. :) His birthday is coming up, and I’d like to present money and a list of links to well-liked clothing shops for clothing that teens might like. Recommendations for good compression tops would be very welcomed, as well as stuff y’all like. Right now, his style is mostly t-shirts and flannels, which it was pre-transition, but I thought it would be nice to introduce him to other great clothes that currently resonate with trans / non-binary people, since this is also the age when a young person begins to explore their own tastes (or just needs that one special outfit for weddings and the like).
posted by anonymous to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (6 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
I'd ask him and see if there's a clothing store he's into, then buy a card from there (or he may not be into clothes, in which case let it go). Style is personal, and the best gift you can give is letting him express himself as he sees fit.
posted by kingdead at 7:12 AM on September 1, 2023

Congratulations and happy birthday to him!

Highly recommend binders from gc2b. Wildfang is pricey but a good place for a wide variety of gender expression, and they're having a sale this weekend. I'm a nonbinary transmasculine person and have bought lots of shirts from H&M, especially short-sleeved button-downs.
posted by wicked_sassy at 7:17 AM on September 1, 2023 [4 favorites]

Gender Free World has some great stuff!
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 9:38 AM on September 1, 2023

gc2b and Underworks are probably the most common binder options in the US, and there are some other options like Flavnt too. But if they don't fit or he's an unusual size, Shapeshifters is one of a few places that do custom binders. There are also some brands or styles that bind less tightly but are more breathable or exercise-friendly, some of which have occasionally been discussed on AskMeFi (1, 2, 3). If he's not in the US, shipping on some of these might suck, but there are other brands that I am personally unfamiliar with that are available in other regions.

Depending on how tall he is and what his build is like, there are some brands that have clothing that tends to have a broader range of sizes (H&M, Uniqlo, ASOS, Topman, the Goodfellow line at Target) or to fit a wider range of shapes (there are specific jean fits - often described as "athletic" or targeting bike commuters or other people likely to need bigger thighs - that are often good for trans guys, and brands for short guys). There are also some brands that target transmasc guys or more broadly a range of nonbinary and/or gender-nonconforming folks. These sometimes have a few tweaks help with common issues, like cuts that make it easier to close the last button in a button-down shirt, or pants that fit better in the hips. Most of them honestly have styles (and prices) that are aimed more at 20-30-somethings, and I can't personally vouch for the vast majority of them, but a few of the brands I can think of: Wildfang (though I find they're sorta femme-leaning), Both&, Peau de Loup, GFW (Gender Free world), Androgynous Fox, Dapper Boi, Stuzo, probably more - this is a market where there is some churn. There are also some options for swimwear and underwear, including the not-unproblematic (discussion in prev. AskMeFi) TomboyX, Play Out, Outplay (not the same brand), Beefcake, and Humankind. For completeness' sake, I'll note there are also some places that have stuff like (sometimes custom) suits (Kirrin Finch, Haute Butch, Bindle & Keep, etc.) though I rather suspect that they are irrelevant to the average teenager (and Men's Warehouse is reputedly often pretty decent for trans guys.) There's some older MeFi discussion on gender neutral clothing (and the limitations of many of these brands) here.

Even if they're not his style, it might be still be helpful for him to know these sorts of things are out there. One does occasionally have to dress up, and it's nice to have options that fit better. And some people find they were sticking with baggy casual clothes in part because they were dealing with dysphoria and/or felt uncomfortable with any other styles associated with their AGAB; it can be nice to realize you have the option to explore new areas of fashion.
posted by ASF Tod und Schwerkraft at 9:46 AM on September 1, 2023 [10 favorites]

ASF Tod and Schwerkraft has pretty much listed all the oft-discussed brands.

Anywhere that does slim-fit shirts is also a boon.

As someone who transitioned slightly older with a similar pre-transition wardrobe, I'm inclined to say you're overestimating his need for a new wardrobe. No one wants to get underwear as a present (thanks to an auntie, I know this from experience). However, the one thing he potentially doesn't have and is unlikely to buy until he suddenly needs to buy one last minute is a shirt and tie.
posted by hoyland at 10:22 AM on September 1, 2023

I think everyone else covered the clothing suggestions, so I thought I'd offer some adjacent ideas. My son, who is nearly three years into his transition, always appreciates gifts that are specifically masculine. A shirt & tie like hoyland said, a nice leather wallet, a slightly swanky skincare line for men, cologne, manly soap, a shaving kit once the facial hair gets going, etc.
posted by SamanthaK at 10:42 AM on September 1, 2023

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