ISO: No-solder solar motor with IR switch? Possibly arduino-based
August 23, 2023 8:26 AM   Subscribe

I want a solar powered ornament spinner. I know I can just buy one but the solar panel is always right where the spinner is. I'd like to have it a little ways away connected by a wire...say maybe 1.5 metres. Then I got to thinking...

Then I was thinking, wait, I still haven't made this wand do anything. How awesome would it be if the wand turned the spinner on and off (the spinner being powered by the aforementioned solar motor).

So how do I do that? Would love an answer that just points to a kit that either would magically do this or that would do this or could be adapted to do this (e.g. it comes with a regular switch you would have switch in the IR part).

I have some arduino knowledge mostly forgotten, but could follow instructions. I don't want to solder.

Oh, and double bonus...I actually want two solar powered spinners. Could I just use one little solar panel and two motors and IR receivers?

Also acceptable answer: Doesn't anyone on etsy do custom arduino? Either build a kit (i.e. just send me all the stuff) or just build the thing?
posted by If only I had a penguin... to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It might be a bit hard to find exactly what you're looking for out of the box.

You might be able to find some sort of learn electronics starter pack or kit that contains all the components you'd need, but that would probably end up requiring a bit of assembly and spending a decent chunk of money on things you don't need.

As you guessed, probably your simplest bet is to get these parts separately and combine them:
1. An Arduino (pretty much any Arduino like board will work)
2. An IR detector like
3. An electronic switch (a relay is probably easiest for no-solder) like
4. A solar panel + motor ideally in a form factor close to what you want the spinner to look like.

You can see an example of combining parts 1-3 here .

In your case, you only need a single relay to act as a switch for your motor.

Even for the parts that look like they need solder, you can probably get away with a breadboard, jumper wires (, or alligator clip wires. Mostly depends on how permeant and clean you want the assembly. Since it's low voltage, even twisting the wires together can work.

For the solar motor something like this kit could work: .
posted by axlan at 9:15 AM on August 23, 2023

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