Is there a legit form of solistry that reads calluses?
August 14, 2023 8:33 PM   Subscribe

Does the large V shaped callus on my soles mean anything? It doesn't usually hurt. Can you tell things about gait or anatomy from people's calluses? Is this normal? Looking at foot pictures on the internet is fraught and unenlightening: I haven't seen any V shaped calluses on the ball of the foot, mostly more uniform skin toughness, but I'm afraid to search very extensively.

Looking at a diagram of the bones of the foot and calling the bone(s) connecting to the big toe 1:
the inner side of the V is a line of tough skin across the ball of the foot between 1 and 2. The outside line of the V is on 3. They meet at the bottom edge of the ball of the foot on 2.
There's also a dime-size callus on the outer edge of the ball of the foot.

Both feet are the same. Sometimes these areas feel a little sore, I think when I've been on my feet a lot, but are otherwise fine. I take the top layer of callus off now and then. I'm barefoot most of the time and favor thin, flat, flexy soles otherwise.

I was pondering these calluses and thought, despite someone maybe calling my feet weird-looking once, this shape must be quite common... but was surprised not to find similar pictures (not easily, anyways, I got spooked after a few pages). Is it just the way my foot is shaped? Is it something to do with my gait? You're not my podiatrist, I'm just hoping someone knows something about this.
posted by Baethan to Health & Fitness (1 answer total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Sounds like metatarsal calluses; in a study, usually barefoot walkers had 31% thicker metatarsal head calluses compared to usually shod individuals. (Live Science article on study.) That said, calluses under the ball of the foot can also be a sign of metatarsal arch flattening. (And make sure these are calluses; generally, calluses retain skin lines and don't hurt, while plantar warts are tender, line-free, and have tiny black dots.)
posted by Iris Gambol at 10:39 PM on August 14, 2023 [1 favorite]

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