On the job hunt, need coach
August 5, 2023 6:58 AM   Subscribe

Does anyone know a good career coach based in Vancouver BC? Failing that, how does one find a good, local career coach without any personal recommendations?

My situation is: I have what appears to be a strong resume.. for exactly the kind of job I don’t want anymore. I would like some help on identifying more transferable skills and how to convey them without misrepresenting myself, as well as possibly suggestions for opportunities/roles in sectors that aren’t immediately obvious to me. Basically just another perspective on my career history and where it could potentially lead me in the future. I don’t know anyone locally who has sought this kind of help, so I don’t have any personal recommendations I can rely on. How can I find someone who can help me (who is good at what they do?) Any advice and/or recommendations appreciated.
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (3 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Check out Josephine Kyriakakis and Sam Struan. MeMail me if you want more of my personal recommendations on them.
posted by alicat at 8:51 AM on August 5, 2023 [1 favorite]

slightly left field recommendation but check out terra.do- they are a group that helps get people trained up & placed for Climate Careers, and I am sure that your resume is applicable somewhere in this rapidly expanding and very necessary sector. Good luck!
posted by wowenthusiast at 11:56 AM on August 5, 2023

i was so excited to pop in here and share a recommendation for a vancouver based career coach i have worked with and recommend— but my coaching experience did not include tweaking my resume/ cv. i did make a career change while working with this coach, but it was a change of specialization rather than a wholesale remake of my career. working on my application package — the nitty gritty work— i was able to reach out to friends or colleagues for. i think the likelihood of finding a good career coach who is a subject specialist in your field is probably rare. anyhow, please memail if you’d like a personal rec. otherwise, best of luck with your journey!
posted by tamarack at 6:30 AM on August 6, 2023

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