What is the best Canadian journalism school?
August 4, 2023 12:26 PM   Subscribe

Just the best one, as far as you know or have heard, according to any metric (but mostly name recognition). What's Canada's equivalent of the Columbia journalism program? Looking for more of a broad survey than personal experiences, but any information is helpful. This is more for curiosity than actual real-life decision-making, but I don't know anyone in the field that I can ask.

Google results for this sort of question have become useless, just full of disreputable-looking sites that are likely written by bots.
posted by 100kb to Education (2 answers total)
Best answer: Canada is very regional so I will answer from an Ontario perspective.

Western's Masters in Journalism is the real networking insider club in Ontario.

University of King's College (Halifax) has a very strong reputation for kind of trad journalism. This might be the international one but...Halifax. (I adore Halifax, it's just not central to publishing in Canada.)

TMU is good for radio/broadcast journalism as an undergrad but add one of the masters above for extra prestige. Still, it's a good j-school.

UBC is also well-known, and Carleton also has a good rep.

If you're not familiar with the Canadian educational system, universities are colleges and colleges are junior colleges, hence King's nomenclature above. Also for the same...while Canadian universities do have better and worse reputations, the band is much more narrow.

Other people can feel free to argue with me, I'm coming at this from a very particular perspective with magazine media and like, privilege.
posted by warriorqueen at 1:11 PM on August 4, 2023 [6 favorites]

Best answer: I'm Canadian and, for me, Carleton is synonymous with journalism. I haven't been in school in a couple of decades so things may have changed but my sense is that the reputation, at least, is still there.
posted by paperback version at 1:11 PM on August 4, 2023 [4 favorites]

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