A tool to 'manage' a whatsapp group - automation etc
August 4, 2023 9:28 AM   Subscribe

I'm half in charge of a bowls club whatsapp group this year and desperately want to automate some of it to cut down on the repetition that goes on... For example the trainer isn't in the group but sends content regularly she effectively wants copying and pasting to the group. How can we give him a way to 'inject' messages without being in the group? Also I'm aware of broadcast lists....I kinda like the format but am I right in thinking both me and my co-manager (we share the job this year) would have to create duplicate broadcast lists, we can't somehow have access to the same whatsapp account? I would happily buy a new SIM or whatever so that we could do this if it were possible...

Finally there are other repetitive tasks that go on - like ever tuesday evening we have to remind all the players to bring their whites, and every friday it's don't forget there's beers afterwards.... can this be automated?

Happy to use another platform but I don't think I'll be successful in getting the players to download a new app JUST for these messages.

Ideally there would be a tool for managing whatsapp we could both log in to....

any ideas?
posted by dance to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
I am not away of a tool that can “inject” into an E2E service. My suggestion is to use the free tier of groups.io. It has Messaging and a group calendar.
posted by terrapin at 9:46 AM on August 4, 2023

Is there something specific about this club that means you can't use email? something like groups.io that terrapin mentioned can send out the emails for you, and your players already have an email client, no new app required.

Or you can explore the newish Whatsapp "Communities" features if it is available in your area. While you can't share an account with your co-manager, you can both be admins of the same community. As for the trainer, can't they just join the group/community and post for themself?
posted by mrgoldenbrown at 10:49 AM on August 4, 2023 [2 favorites]

A lot of people don't read emails frequently anymore so I wouldn't recommend switching platforms if the group is already using WhatsApp. Personally I'd just tell the trainer to join the Whatsapp group and post the messages themselves unless there is particular reason (other than they don't like Whatsapp, tough noogies you aren't their secretary) that they aren't in the group.
posted by emd3737 at 10:57 AM on August 4, 2023 [1 favorite]

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