Can I eat this burrata?
June 26, 2023 2:53 PM   Subscribe

Just got back from the store, where I bought a burrata (in water, in a small sealed plastic tub) whose sell-by date is later this week. But unpacking my bag, there were bits of burrata juice leaking here and there, and a trickle of it coming from under the sealed plastic lid. I can't identify any cut or puncture in the package, but it's definitely not a tight seal. So should I eat it??

Sorry if this is silly-obvious to anyone but I need a reality check! I know it's not likely to kill me, but I'd like to avoid making myself or my partner sick if that is a risk.
posted by knotty knots to Food & Drink (4 answers total)
Leaking whey isn't a health risk, assuming the cheese smells fine. Fresh cheeses are often loosely packaged (i.e. not hermetically sealed). One of the main reasons you'll often find burrata in a sealed tub surrounded by whey is to keep it from falling apart too easily since it's kind of fragile.
posted by theory at 3:17 PM on June 26, 2023 [11 favorites]

I would give it a sniff and look about it for anything that looks weird. But, I would generally be inclined to stuff my face full of burrata. Yum
posted by ellerhodes at 3:58 PM on June 26, 2023 [3 favorites]

You gotta eat it RIGHT NOW, before anything further goes wrong
posted by chesty_a_arthur at 5:03 PM on June 26, 2023 [19 favorites]

> You gotta eat it RIGHT NOW

my heart goes out to OP in this time of emergency
posted by MiraK at 12:58 PM on June 27, 2023 [4 favorites]

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