Closed sandbox kids android browser
June 7, 2023 5:51 AM   Subscribe

I'm looking for an android web browser for kids that is set up to only present certain sites and will not leave those sites. Ideally it will just unlink or hide links to anywhere else (instead of a frustrating blocked message).

Ok, so as per my previous question, I set my son up with FamilyLink. I got him the KhanAcademyKids app, but it's too easy. So I was thinking of setting him up on KhanAcademy. I have no idea if he'll take to it (I think it requires a little more independent management, right?), but it's free. The thing is, he doesn't currently have a web browser on the tablet. If I were going to add a web broswer I would want it to use the sites I give it. Ideally I would like to just put a shortcut to those on the sites on the home screen.
posted by If only I had a penguin... to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
I think there are a couple of options here. Firstly, an MDM (mobile device management) solution. These tend to be business-focussed, but many of them allow whitelisting of URLs accessible from the device. A second option would be a DNS filter, again set up to allow only whitelisted URLs. You can either use a DNS provider (e.g. OpenDNS) for this, or roll your own on your local network, if that's something you'd feel able to configure.
posted by pipeski at 6:19 AM on June 7, 2023

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