Move just the audio track of an iMovie for iOS video to GarageBand?
May 8, 2023 11:29 AM   Subscribe

I made a video of myself using iMovie for iOS. Here's how I did it: I'm singing to an instrumental arrangement I made on GarageBand and was playing "live" in my room. (confusing enough?) Here it is on YouTube.

Okay, but I don't like that the instrumental arrangement is playing separately from the the vocals, and I don't like that the vocals are "in the room" while the intruments don't sound like that. (I'm not explaining this well, to say the least).

What I want to do now is move that my vocals TO the instrumental arrangement and then INTEGRATE vocals and instrumentals to make one audio track, and then LIP SYNC to the audio.(rather than me singing in a room TO an instrumental arrangement).

Does this make any sense?? In other words, I want to make this performance into a "music video," in the classic sense (?)

BUT in GarageBand for iOS, when I tap on the audio track, there is no way to Cut it or Move it to another app. There are just some adjustments you can make to the sound and Delete. Is there any way I can do what I want to do here, using my actual recorded "live in my room" vocal track and my pre-recorded GarageBank instrumental tracks?
posted by DMelanogaster to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
I did some quick googling and did not see an easy way to move iMovie audio into GarageBand on the iPhone. There may be one, but I'm not an apple user and don't have direct experience with their iOS stuff.

let me suggest an alternate route. you'll have to re-record your vocals, I hope that's okay.

1. record your singing directly into a new track in your garageband backing tracks song. (I think you can use your iPhone / iPad microphone for this, but I'm not sure.) This process of recording one track of a song over existing tracks is called "overdubbing" in case you need to look up more help on it.

2. mix the vocals into the song, changing their volume or adding effects so that the song sounds more unified and the vocals don't sound like they are "in the room." (alas, mixing a song so it sounds right is an entire specialty that I don't know so good, so I can't really get into more depth than that. Play around and find out.)

3. record an iMovie of you lip-syncing along while the garageband song plays.

4. export the audio from Garageband into your lip-syncing iMovie, replacing its audio with the Garageband audio. You'll have to manually adjust the timing of the garageband vocal audio so that it syncs up exactly with the iMovie video or it will look very strange. :)

Googling around, the garageband -> imovie import looks like a well-supported thing to do, there are a variety of tutorials around it. I don't know what version of stuff you are running, and Apple does change things a lot, so I can't recommend one specific tutorial directly -- you'll have to find one that applies to your particular ios version and hardware.

good luck!
posted by Sauce Trough at 12:10 PM on May 8, 2023 [1 favorite]

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