Where to direct people about scams and spam?
December 8, 2003 8:39 PM   Subscribe

When administering websites and email accounts for the average Jose (hinternet tourists, the lot of them), what's a good FAQ to cc: to them for information on spam and scams?
posted by brownpau to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Hoaxbusters is the classic 'net scam page, but Snopes has an extensive section focussing on "dubious email" that they keep up to date.
posted by tranquileye at 8:53 PM on December 8, 2003

Response by poster: Thanks, tranquileye. I'm also looking for the kind of authoritative FAQ which tells customers not to reply to or buy from spam messages, to turn off image loading, that kind of thing.
posted by brownpau at 9:19 PM on December 8, 2003

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